R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- aovperm()
- as.Pmat()
- attentionshifting_design()
- attentionshifting_signal()
- clusterlm()
- compute_clusterdepth()
- compute_clusterdepth_head()
- compute_clustermass()
- compute_maxT()
- compute_minP()
- compute_stepdownmaxT()
- compute_tfce()
- compute_troendle()
- emergencycost()
- get_cluster()
- jpah2016()
- lmperm()
- plot.clusterlm()
- plot.lmperm()
- Pmat()
- Pmat_product()
- print.clusterlm()
- summary.clusterlm()
R Codes
- anova_table.R
- anova_table_rnd.R
- aovperm.R
- aovperm_fix.R
- aovperm_rnd.R
- as.Pmat.R
- assign.Pmat.R
- changeContrast.R
- checkBalancedData.R
- check_distribution.R
- check_P.R
- clusterlm.R
- clusterlm_fix.R
- clusterlm_rnd.R
- cluster_methods.R
- cluster_methods_rnd.R
- cluster_table.R
- cluster_table_clustermass.R
- compute_all_pvalue.R
- compute_benjamini_hochberg.R
- compute_bonferroni.R
- compute_clusterdepth.R
- compute_clusterdepth_head.R
- compute_clusterdepth_tr.R
- compute_clustermass.R
- compute_degree_freedom_fix.R
- compute_degree_freedom_rnd.R
- compute_holm.R
- compute_maxT.R
- compute_minP.R
- compute_pvalue.R
- compute_stepdownmaxT.R
- compute_tfce.R
- compute_tfce_statistic.R
- compute_troendle.R
- data.R
- depth_distribution.R
- distribution_to_pscale.R
- effect_anova_rnd.R
- full_table.R
- get_cluster.R
- khatrirao.R
- link.R
- lmperm.R
- lmperm_fix.R
- methods.R
- methods_rnd.R
- np.R
- old_cluster_methods.R
- old_cluster_private.R
- plot.clusterlm.R
- plot.lmperm.R
- Pmat.R
- Pmat_product.R
- print.clusterlm.R
- print.listof_multcomp_table.R
- print.lmperm.R
- print.lmpermutation_table.R
- print.multcomp_table.R
- RcppExports.R
- summary.clusterlm.R
- summary.lmperm.R
- switch_multcomp.R
Selected R package: permuco
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