R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- generate_net()
- get_statistics()
- PAFit-package()
- plot.Full_PAFit_result()
- plot.PAFit_net()
- print.Full_PAFit_result()
- summary.Full_PAFit_result()
R Codes
- as.PAFit_net.R
- binning.R
- CreateDataCV.R
- CreateDataCV_onlyA.R
- estimate_multiple_phase_correct_mcPAMLE.R
- estimate_new_correct_mcPAMLE.R
- estimate_single_phase_correct_mcPAMLE.R
- from_igraph.R
- from_networkDynamic.R
- generate_BA.R
- generate_BB.R
- generate_ER.R
- generate_fit_only.R
- generate_net.R
- generate_simulation.R
- get_statistics.R
- graph_from_file.R
- graph_to_file.R
- Jeong.R
- joint_estimate.R
- Newman.R
- one_cycle.R
- OnlyA_CV.R
- OnlyF_CV.R
- only_A_estimate.R
- only_F_estimate.R
- PAFit.R
- PAFit_oneshot.R
- performCV_core_new_new.R
- performCV_old_new.R
- perform_CV_core.R
- plot.Full_PAFit_result.R
- plot.PAFit_net.R
- plot.pa_result.R
- plot_contribution.R
- print.cv_data.R
- print.CV_Result.R
- print.full_pafit_result.R
- print.Linear_PA_test_result.R
- print.PAFit_net.R
- print.pa_result.R
- RcppExports.R
- regress_alpha.R
- summary.cv_data.R
- summary.CV_Result.R
- summary.full_pafit_result.R
- summary.Linear_PA_test_result.R
- summary.PAFit_net.R
- summary.pa_result.R
- test_linear_PA.R
- to_igraph.R
- to_networkDynamic.R
Selected R package: PAFit
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