R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- bioc_version()
- call_with_callback()
- cmc__async_ensure_cache()
- cmc__load_primary_pkgs()
- cmc__load_primary_rds()
- cmc__load_replica_rds()
- cmc__update_primary()
- cmc__update_replica_pkgs()
- cmc__update_replica_rds()
- cranlike_metadata_cache()
- cran_archive_cache()
- cran_archive_list()
- current_r_platform()
- default_cran_mirror()
- def__make_error_object()
- get_cranlike_metadata_cache()
- get_graphics_api_version()
- get_internals_id()
- meta_cache_deps()
- package_cache()
- parse_installed()
- parse_packages()
- pkgcache-package()
- pkg_cache_api()
- ppm_has_binaries()
- ppm_platforms()
- ppm_repo_url()
- ppm_r_versions()
- ppm_snapshots()
- repo_get()
- repo_status()
R Codes
- aa-assertthat.R
- aaa-async.R
- aaa-rstudio-detect.R
- archive.R
- assertions.R
- async-http.R
- bioc-sysreqs.R
- bioc.R
- cache-api.R
- cache-dirs.R
- compat-vctrs.R
- cran-app.R
- data-frame.R
- errors.R
- errors2.R
- files.R
- installed.R
- iso-date.R
- metadata-cache.R
- onload.R
- package-cache.R
- package.R
- packages-gz.R
- parse-url.R
- pkgdown.R
- platform-linux.R
- platform.R
- ppm.R
- progress-bar.R
- rematch.R
- repo-set.R
- repo-status.R
- sizes.R
- system.R
- time.R
- utils.R
Selected R package: pkgcache
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