R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- a96()
- b95()
- combocalc()
- createtemplate()
- errorbars()
- f73()
- f99()
- fastacf()
- Ffilter()
- findformants()
- FIRfilter()
- formanttrack()
- freqresponse()
- h95()
- hotelling.test()
- imputeformants()
- interpolate()
- ldboundary()
- ldclassify()
- loadsound()
- loadtable()
- lpc()
- makeFIR()
- makesound()
- multiplot()
- normalize.compare()
- normalize()
- ntypes()
- p73()
- pb52()
- peakfind()
- phasor()
- pickIPA()
- pitchtrack()
- playsound()
- polezero()
- powertrack()
- preemphasis()
- PSTM()
- pwelch()
- rcr()
- reduce.fraction()
- resample()
- rmvtnorm()
- rotate()
- sdellipse()
- selectslice()
- sinc()
- sinusoid()
- snip()
- sound()
- spectralslice()
- spectrogram()
- synthfilter()
- t07()
- voweldata()
- vowelplot()
- vowelsynth()
- vplot()
- windowfunc()
- writesound()
- xsampatoIPA()
- y96()
- zeros()
R Codes
- anova.rcr.R
- combocalc.R
- createtemplate.R
- errorbar.R
- fastacf.R
- Ffilter.R
- findformants.R
- FIRfilter.R
- formanttrack.R
- freqresponse.R
- hotelling.test.R
- imputeformants.R
- interpolate.R
- ipainfo.R
- iplot.R
- ldaclassify.R
- ldboundary.R
- loadsound.R
- loadtable.R
- lpc.R
- makeFIR.R
- makesound.R
- mscohere.R
- multiplot.R
- normalize.compare.R
- normalize.R
- ntypes.R
- outlier.plot.R
- peakfind.R
- phasor.R
- pickIPA.R
- pitchtrack.R
- playsound.R
- plot.rcr.R
- plot.sound.R
- plot.spectrogram.R
- plot.template.R
- polezero.R
- powertrack.R
- preemphasis.R
- print.anova.rcr.R
- print.hotelling.test.R
- print.rcr.R
- print.sound.R
- print.spectrogram.R
- print.summary.rcr.R
- print.template.R
- pwelch.R
- rcr.R
- reduce.fraction.R
- resample.R
- rmvtnorm.R
- rotate.R
- sdellipse.R
- selectslice.R
- sinc.R
- sinusoid.R
- snip.R
- spectralslice.R
- spectrogram.R
- summary.rcr.R
- synthfilter.R
- territorialmap.R
- vowelplot.R
- vowelsynth.R
- vplot.R
- windowfunc.R
- writesound.R
- xsampatoIPA.R
- zeros.R
Selected R package: phonTools
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