R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- adjp_wysd()
- adjp_wyss()
- calc_df()
- calc_J()
- calc_K()
- calc_nbar()
- calc_pval()
- calc_SE()
- check_cor()
- comp_rawp_sd()
- comp_rawp_ss()
- convert_params()
- estimate_power_curve()
- find_best()
- fit_bounded_logistic()
- gen_assignments()
- gen_base_sim_data()
- gen_corr_matrix()
- gen_cov_matrix()
- gen_RE_cov_matrix()
- gen_sim_data()
- gen_T.x()
- gen_Yobs()
- get_adjp_minp()
- get_power_results()
- get_pval_tstat()
- get_rawpt()
- interacted_linear_estimators()
- makelist_samp()
- make_model()
- optimize_power()
- parse_d_m()
- parse_power_definition()
- plot.pumpgridresult.mdes()
- plot.pumpgridresult()
- plot.pumpgridresult.power()
- plot.pumpgridresult.sample()
- plot.pumpresult()
- plot_power_curve()
- plot_power_search()
- power_curve()
- print_context()
- print_search()
- PUMP()
- pumpgridresult()
- pumpresult()
- pump_info()
- pump_mdes()
- pump_mdes_grid()
- pump_power()
- pump_power_grid()
- pump_sample()
- pump_sample_grid()
- pump_sample_raw()
- run_grid()
- setup_default_parallel_plan()
- transpose_power_table()
- update.pumpresult()
- update_grid()
- validate_inputs()
R Codes
Selected R package: PUMP
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