R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- additive_symm_chi_sq()
- avg()
- bhattacharyya()
- binned.kernel.est()
- canberra()
- CE()
- chebyshev()
- clark_sq()
- cosine_dist()
- czekanowski()
- dice_dist()
- dist.diversity()
- distance()
- dist_many_many()
- dist_one_many()
- dist_one_one()
- divergence_sq()
- estimate.probability()
- euclidean()
- fidelity()
- getDistMethods()
- gJSD()
- gower()
- H()
- harmonic_mean_dist()
- hellinger()
- inner_product()
- intersection_dist()
- jaccard()
- JE()
- jeffreys()
- jensen_difference()
- jensen_shannon()
- JSD()
- KL()
- kulczynski_d()
- kullback_leibler_distance()
- kumar_hassebrook()
- kumar_johnson()
- k_divergence()
- lin.cor()
- lorentzian()
- manhattan()
- matusita()
- MI()
- minkowski()
- motyka()
- neyman_chi_sq()
- pearson_chi_sq()
- prob_symm_chi_sq()
- ruzicka()
- soergel()
- sorensen()
- squared_chi_sq()
- squared_chord()
- squared_euclidean()
- taneja()
- tanimoto()
- topsoe()
- wave_hedges()
R Codes
Selected R package: philentropy
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