R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- analyse_functional_network()
- anova_protti()
- assign_missingness()
- assign_peptide_type()
- barcode_plot()
- calculate_aa_scores()
- calculate_diff_abundance()
- calculate_go_enrichment()
- calculate_imputation()
- calculate_kegg_enrichment()
- calculate_protein_abundance()
- calculate_sequence_coverage()
- calculate_treatment_enrichment()
- create_queue()
- create_structure_contact_map()
- create_synthetic_data()
- diff_abundance()
- drc_4p()
- drc_4p_plot()
- extract_metal_binders()
- fetch_alphafold_aligned_error()
- fetch_alphafold_prediction()
- fetch_chebi()
- fetch_eco()
- fetch_go()
- fetch_kegg()
- fetch_metal_pdb()
- fetch_mobidb()
- fetch_pdb()
- fetch_pdb_structure()
- fetch_quickgo()
- fetch_uniprot()
- fetch_uniprot_proteome()
- filter_cv()
- find_all_subs()
- find_chebis()
- find_peptide()
- find_peptide_in_structure()
- fit_drc_4p()
- go_enrichment()
- impute()
- kegg_enrichment()
- map_peptides_on_structure()
- median_normalisation()
- metal_chebi_uniprot()
- metal_go_slim_subset()
- metal_list()
- network_analysis()
- normalise()
- parallel_create_structure_contact_map()
- parallel_fit_drc_4p()
- peptide_profile_plot()
- peptide_type()
- plot_drc_4p()
- plot_peptide_profiles()
- plot_pval_distribution()
- predict_alphafold_domain()
- protti_colours()
- ptsi_pgk()
- pval_distribution_plot()
- qc_charge_states()
- qc_contaminants()
- qc_cvs()
- qc_data_completeness()
- qc_ids()
- qc_intensity_distribution()
- qc_median_intensities()
- qc_missed_cleavages()
- qc_pca()
- qc_peak_width()
- qc_peptide_type()
- qc_proteome_coverage()
- qc_ranked_intensities()
- qc_sample_correlation()
- qc_sequence_coverage()
- randomise_queue()
- rapamycin_10uM()
- rapamycin_dose_response()
- read_protti()
- replace_identified_by_x()
- scale_protti()
- sequence_coverage()
- split_metal_name()
- treatment_enrichment()
- try_query()
- ttest_protti()
- viridis_colours()
- volcano_plot()
- volcano_protti()
- woods_plot()
R Codes
- analyse_functional_network.R
- anova_protti.R
- assign_missingness.R
- assign_peptide_type.R
- barcode_plot.R
- calculate_aa_scores.R
- calculate_diff_abundance.R
- calculate_go_enrichment.R
- calculate_imputation.R
- calculate_kegg_enrichment.R
- calculate_protein_abundance.R
- calculate_sequence_coverage.R
- calculate_treatment_enrichment.R
- create_queue.R
- create_structure_contact_map.R
- create_synthetic_data.R
- data.R
- drc_4p.R
- drc_4p_plot.R
- extract_metal_binders.R
- fetch_alphafold_aligned_error.R
- fetch_alphafold_prediction.R
- fetch_chebi.R
- fetch_eco.R
- fetch_go.R
- fetch_kegg.R
- fetch_metal_pdb.R
- fetch_mobidb.R
- fetch_pdb.R
- fetch_pdb_structure.R
- fetch_quickgo.R
- fetch_uniprot.R
- fetch_uniprot_proteome.R
- filter_cv.R
- find_all_subs.R
- find_chebis.R
- find_peptide.R
- find_peptide_in_structure.R
- fit_drc_4p.R
- impute.R
- map_peptides_on_structure.R
- normalise.R
- parallel_create_structure_contact_map.R
- parallel_fit_drc_4p.R
- peptide_profile_plot.R
- predict_alphafold_domain.R
- pval_distribution_plot.R
- qc_charge_states.R
- qc_contaminants.R
- qc_cvs.R
- qc_data_completeness.R
- qc_ids.R
- qc_intensity_distribution.R
- qc_median_intensities.R
- qc_missed_cleavages.R
- qc_pca.R
- qc_peak_width.R
- qc_peptide_type.R
- qc_proteome_coverage.R
- qc_ranked_intensities.R
- qc_sample_correlation.R
- qc_sequence_coverage.R
- randomise_queue.R
- read_protti.R
- replace_identified_by_x.R
- scale_protti.R
- split_metal_name.R
- try_query.R
- ttest_protti.R
- volcano_plot.R
- woods_plot.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: protti
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