R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- asinp()
- c.colors()
- c.months()
- charSize()
- clipat()
- colorpale()
- condquant()
- d.babysurvival()
- d.birthrates()
- d.blast()
- d.fossileShapes()
- d.pollZH16()
- d.river()
- deparseCond()
- doc()
- dropdata()
- dropNA()
- fitcomp()
- gendateaxis()
- gensmooth()
- genvarattributes()
- getmeth()
- getvariables()
- legendr()
- leverage()
- linear.predictors()
- logst()
- markextremes()
- modarg()
- nainf.exclude()
- notice()
- pl.control()
- pl.envir()
- plbars()
- plcond()
- plcoord()
- plframe()
- plgraphics-internal()
- plinnerrange()
- pllimits()
- plmarginpar()
- plmark()
- plmatrix()
- plmboxes()
- plmframes()
- ploptions.list()
- ploptions()
- plpanel()
- plpoints()
- plregr.control()
- plregr()
- plres2x()
- plscale()
- plsmooth()
- plsubset()
- plticks()
- plyx()
- predict.regrpolr()
- prettyscale()
- quantilew()
- quinterpol()
- residuals.regrpolr()
- revGumbel()
- robrange()
- shortenstring()
- showd()
- simresiduals()
- smoothpar()
- smoothRegr()
- smoothxtrim()
- stamp()
- stdresiduals()
- sumNA()
- Tobit()
- transferAttributes()
- warn()
- weekday()
- xdistResdiff()
R Codes
Selected R package: plgraphics
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