R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_significance()
- adjust_pvalue()
- anova_summary()
- anova_test()
- as_cor_mat()
- binom_test()
- box_m()
- chisq_test()
- cochran_qtest()
- cohens_d()
- cor_as_symbols()
- cor_mark_significant()
- cor_mat()
- cor_plot()
- cor_reorder()
- cor_reshape()
- cor_select()
- cor_test()
- counts_to_cases()
- cramer_v()
- df_arrange()
- df_get_var_names()
- df_group_by()
- df_label_value()
- df_nest_by()
- df_select()
- df_split_by()
- df_unite()
- doo()
- dunn_test()
- emmeans_test()
- eta_squared()
- factorial_design()
- factors()
- fisher_test()
- freq_table()
- friedman_effsize()
- friedman_test()
- games_howell_test()
- get_comparisons()
- get_mode()
- get_pvalue_position()
- get_summary_stats()
- get_test_label()
- kruskal_effsize()
- kruskal_test()
- levene_test()
- mahalanobis_distance()
- make_clean_names()
- Manova()
- mcnemar_test()
- multinom_test()
- outliers()
- pipe()
- prop_test()
- prop_trend_test()
- pull_triangle()
- p_value()
- reexports()
- remove_ns()
- replace_triangle()
- sample_n_by()
- shapiro_test()
- sign_test()
- tukey_hsd()
- t_test()
- welch_anova_test()
- wilcox_effsize()
- wilcox_test()
R Codes
- add_significance.R
- adjust_pvalue.R
- anova_summary.R
- anova_test.R
- as_cor_mat.R
- binom_test.R
- box_m.R
- chisq_test.R
- cochran_qtest.R
- cohens_d.R
- cor_as_symbols.R
- cor_mark_significant.R
- cor_mat.R
- cor_plot.R
- cor_reorder.R
- cor_reshape.R
- cor_select.R
- cor_test.R
- counts_to_cases.R
- cramer_v.R
- df.R
- doo.R
- dunn_test.R
- emmeans_test.R
- eta_squared.R
- factorial_design.R
- factors.R
- fisher_test.R
- freq_table.R
- friedman_effsize.R
- friedman_test.R
- games_howell_test.R
- get_comparisons.R
- get_manova_table.R
- get_mode.R
- get_pvalue_position.R
- get_summary_stats.R
- get_test_label.R
- kruskal_effesize.R
- kruskal_test.R
- levene_test.R
- mahalanobis_distance.R
- make_clean_names.R
- mcnemar_test.R
- multinom_test.R
- outliers.R
- prop_test.R
- prop_trend_test.R
- pull_triangle.R
- p_value.R
- reexports.R
- remove_ns.R
- replace_triangle.R
- sample_n_by.R
- shapiro_test.R
- sign_test.R
- tukey_hsd.R
- t_test.R
- utilities.R
- utilities_two_sample_test.R
- utils-manova.R
- utils-pipe.R
- welch_anova_test.R
- wilcox_effsize.R
- wilcox_test.R
Selected R package: rstatix
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