R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- bacteria_tpc()
- beta_2012()
- boatman_2017()
- briere2_1999()
- calc_params()
- chlorella_tpc()
- delong_2017()
- deutsch_2008()
- flinn_1991()
- gaussian_1987()
- get_breadth()
- get_ctmax()
- get_ctmin()
- get_e()
- get_eh()
- get_lower_lims()
- get_model_names()
- get_q10()
- get_rmax()
- get_skewness()
- get_start_vals()
- get_thermalsafetymargin()
- get_thermaltolerance()
- get_topt()
- get_upper_lims()
- hinshelwood_1947()
- joehnk_2008()
- johnsonlewin_1946()
- kamykowski_1985()
- lactin2_1995()
- lrf_1991()
- modifiedgaussian_2006()
- oneill_1972()
- pawar_2018()
- quadratic_2008()
- ratkowsky_1983()
- rezende_2019()
- sharpeschoolfull_1981()
- sharpeschoolhigh_1981()
- sharpeschoollow_1981()
- spain_1982()
- thomas_2012()
- thomas_2017()
- weibull_1995()
R Codes
- beta_2012.R
- boatman_2017.R
- briere2_1999.R
- calc_params.R
- data.R
- delong_2017.R
- deutsch_2008.R
- flinn_1991.R
- gaussian_1987.R
- get_breadth.R
- get_ctmax.R
- get_ctmin.R
- get_e.R
- get_eh.R
- get_lower_lims.R
- get_model_names.R
- get_q10.R
- get_rmax.R
- get_skewness.R
- get_start_vals.R
- get_thermalsafetymargin.R
- get_thermaltolerance.R
- get_topt.R
- get_upper_lims.R
- hinshelwood_1947.R
- joehnk_2008.R
- johnsonlewin_1946.R
- kamykowski_1985.R
- lactin2_1995.R
- lrf_1991.R
- modifiedgaussian_2006.R
- oneill_1972.R
- pawar_2018.R
- quadratic_2008.R
- ratkowsky_1983.R
- rezende_2019.R
- sharpeschoolfull_1981.R
- sharpeschoolhigh_1981.R
- sharpeschoollow_1981.R
- spain_1982.R
- thomas_2012.R
- thomas_2017.R
- weibull_1995.R
Selected R package: rTPC
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