R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- as.char()
- as.rds.data.frame()
- assert.valid.rds.data.frame()
- bootstrap.contingency.test()
- bootstrap.incidence()
- bottleneck.plot()
- compute.weights()
- control.rds.estimates()
- convergence.plot()
- count.transitions()
- cumulative.estimate()
- differential.activity.estimates()
- export.rds.interval.estimate()
- extract-methods()
- faux()
- fauxmadrona()
- fauxsycamore()
- fauxtime()
- get.h.hat()
- get.id()
- get.net.size()
- get.number.of.recruits()
- get.population.size()
- get.recruitment.time()
- get.rid()
- get.seed.id()
- get.seed.rid()
- get.stationary.distribution()
- get.wave()
- gile.ss.weights()
- has.recruitment.time()
- hcg.weights()
- homophily.estimates()
- impute.degree()
- impute.visibility_mle()
- indexing-methods()
- is.rds.data.frame()
- is.rds.interval.estimate.list()
- is.rds.interval.estimate()
- LRT.trend.test()
- LRT.value.trend()
- MA.estimates()
- plot.rds.data.frame()
- print.differential.activity.estimate()
- print.pvalue.table()
- print.rds.contin.bootstrap()
- print.rds.data.frame()
- print.rds.interval.estimate()
- print.summary.svyglm.RDS()
- RDS.bootstrap.intervals()
- RDS.compare.proportions()
- RDS.compare.two.proportions()
- RDS.HCG.estimates()
- RDS.I.estimates()
- rds.I.weights()
- RDS.II.estimates()
- rds.interval.estimate()
- RDS()
- RDS.SS.estimates()
- rdssampleC()
- read.rdsat()
- read.rdsobj()
- reingold.tilford.plot()
- rid.from.coupons()
- set.control.class()
- show.rds.data.frame()
- summary.svyglm.RDS()
- transition.counts.to.Markov.mle()
- ult()
- vh.weights()
- write.graphviz()
- write.netdraw()
- write.rdsat()
- write.rdsobj()
R Codes
- bgk_kde.R
- bootstrap-intervals.R
- bootstrap.contingency.test.R
- control.rds.estimates.R
- control.utilities.R
- data-export.R
- data-import.R
- differential-activity.R
- errorbar.R
- estimate-plots.R
- estimate-utils.R
- gile-bootstrap.R
- gile-ss-util.R
- hcg-bootstrap.R
- hcg-util.R
- homophily.R
- impute-degree.R
- incidence.R
- llmeC.R
- LRT.trend.R
- MA.estimates.R
- MA.parallel.R
- MA.sampling-c.R
- MA.util.R
- me.impute.R
- rds-doc.R
- rds-HCG.R
- rds-I.R
- rds-II.R
- rds-ss.R
- RDS.compare.proportions.R
- rds.data.frame-plots.R
- rds.data.frame-utils.R
- rds.data.frame.R
- rds.estimates.local.R
- rds.interval.estimate.R
- rds.weighted.estimate-class.R
- robust.inverse.R
- salganik-bootstrap.R
- summary.odds.R
- treeboot.R
- utils.R
- weights.R
- wtd.stats.R
Selected R package: RDS
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