R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addLR()
- addLRinv()
- aDist()
- adjust()
- adtest()
- adtestWrapper()
- ageCatWorld()
- alcohol()
- alcoholreg()
- arcticLake()
- balances()
- biomarker()
- biplot.factanal()
- biplot.pcaCoDa()
- bootnComp()
- bpc()
- bpcPca()
- bpcPcaTab()
- bpcReg()
- bpcRegTab()
- bpcTab()
- bpcTabWrapper()
- cancer()
- cancerMN()
- ced()
- cenLR()
- cenLRinv()
- chorizonDL()
- clustCoDa()
- clustCoDa_qmode()
- coffee()
- compareMahal()
- compositionalSpline()
- constSum()
- coord()
- corCoDa()
- cubeCoord()
- daCoDa()
- daFisher()
- economy()
- educFM()
- efsa()
- election()
- electionATbp()
- employment()
- employment2()
- employment_df()
- expenditures()
- expendituresEU()
- fcenLR()
- fcenLRinv()
- fcenLRp()
- fcenLRu()
- foodbalance()
- GDPsatis()
- gemas()
- gjovik()
- gm()
- gmean()
- govexp()
- haplogroups()
- honey()
- ilr.2x2()
- impAll()
- impCoda()
- impKNNa()
- impRZalr()
- impRZilr()
- imputeBDLs()
- imputeUDLs()
- ind2x2()
- indTab()
- instw()
- int2x2()
- intArray()
- intTab()
- is.equivalent()
- isic32()
- laborForce()
- landcover()
- lifeExpGdp()
- lmCoDaX()
- machineOperators()
- manu_abs()
- mcad()
- missPatterns()
- mortality()
- mortality_tab()
- norm1()
- nutrients()
- nutrients_branded()
- orthbasis()
- outCoDa()
- payments()
- pcaCoDa()
- perturbation()
- pfa()
- phd()
- phd_totals()
- pivotCoord()
- plot.imp()
- plot.pcaCoDa()
- plot.smoothSpl()
- precipitation()
- print.imp()
- production()
- pTab()
- rcodes()
- rdcm()
- robCompositions-package()
- rSDev()
- rSDev.test()
- saffron()
- SDev()
- skyeLavas()
- smoothSplines()
- smoothSplinesVal()
- socExp()
- stats()
- summary.imp()
- tabCoord()
- teachingStuff()
- ternaryDiag()
- ternaryDiagAbline()
- ternaryDiagEllipse()
- ternaryDiagPoints()
- trapzc()
- trondelagC()
- trondelagO()
- unemployed()
- variation()
- weightedPivotCoord()
- ZBsplineBasis()
- zeroOut()
R Codes
- addLR.R
- addLRinv.R
- aDist.R
- adjust.R
- adtest.R
- adtestWrapper.R
- alphablend.R
- balances.R
- balZav.R
- biomarker.R
- biplot.factanal.R
- biplot.pcaCoDa.R
- bpc.R
- bpcPca.R
- bpcPcaTab.R
- bpcReg.R
- bpcRegTab.R
- bpcTab.R
- bpcTabWrapper.R
- ced.R
- cenLR.R
- cenLRinv.R
- center.R
- clustCoDa.R
- clustCoDa_qmode.R
- compareMahal.R
- CompositionalSpline.R
- constSum.R
- coord.R
- corCoDa.R
- CubeCoord.R
- daCoDa.R
- daFisher.R
- dataSets.R
- factanal.fit.principal1.R
- gm.R
- gmean.R
- gm_backup.R
- ilr.2x2.R
- ilrregression.R
- impAll.R
- impCoda.R
- impKNNa.R
- impPCA.R
- impRZalr.R
- impRZilr.R
- imputeBDLs.R
- imputeUDLs.R
- ind2x2.R
- indTab.R
- int2x2.R
- intArray.R
- intTab.R
- is.equivalent.R
- isomLR.R
- lmCoDaX.R
- missPatterns.R
- norm1.R
- orthbasis.R
- outCoDa.R
- pcaCoDa.R
- perturbation.R
- pfa.R
- plot.imp.R
- plot.pcaCoDa.R
- print.imp.R
- pTab.R
- rdcm.R
- robCompositions-package.R
- robilrregression.R
- rSDev.R
- rSDev.test.R
- SDev.R
- splineDensity.plot.R
- splineDensity.R
- splineDensity.smoothingSplinesValidation.R
- stats.R
- summary.imp.R
- TabCoord.R
- ternaryDiag.R
- ternaryDiagAbline.R
- ternaryDiagEllipse.R
- ternaryDiagLines.R
- ternaryDiagPoints.R
- Transformations.R
- utils.R
- variation.R
- weightedPivotCoord.R
- ZBsplineBasis.R
- zeroOut.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: robCompositions
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