R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- bond()
- chart_eia_sd()
- chart_eia_steo()
- chart_fwd_curves()
- chart_pairs()
- chart_PerfSummary()
- chart_spreads()
- chart_zscore()
- CRReuro()
- crudeOil()
- cushing()
- dflong()
- dfwide()
- distdescplot()
- efficientFrontier()
- eia2tidy()
- eia2tidy_all()
- eiaStocks()
- eiaStorageCap()
- eurodollar()
- expiry_table()
- fitOU()
- fizdiffs()
- futuresRef()
- fxfwd()
- garch()
- getBoC()
- getCurve()
- getGenscapePipeOil()
- getGenscapeStorageOil()
- getGIS()
- getPrice()
- getPrices()
- holidaysOil()
- npv()
- ohlc()
- pipe()
- planets()
- promptBeta()
- refineryLP()
- refineryLPdata()
- returns()
- rolladjust()
- RTL-package()
- simGBM()
- simMultivariates()
- simOU()
- simOUJ()
- simOUt()
- spot2futConvergence()
- spot2futCurve()
- steo()
- stocks()
- swapCOM()
- swapFutWeight()
- swapInfo()
- swapIRS()
- tickers_eia()
- tradeCycle()
- tradeHubs()
- tradeprocess()
- tradeStats()
- tradeStrategyDY()
- tradeStrategySMA()
- tsQuotes()
- usSwapCurves()
- usSwapCurvesPar()
- wtiSwap()
R Codes
- bond.R
- chart_eia_sd.R
- chart_eia_steo.R
- chart_fwd_curves.R
- chart_pairs.R
- chart_PerfSummary.R
- chart_spreads.R
- chart_zscore.R
- CRReuro.R
- data.R
- distdescplot.R
- efficientFrontier.R
- eia2tidy.R
- eia2tidy_all.R
- fitOU.R
- garch.R
- genscape.R
- getBoC.R
- getGIS.R
- globals.R
- morningstar.R
- npv.R
- promptBeta.R
- RcppExports.R
- refineryLP.R
- returns.R
- rolladjust.R
- RTL-package.R
- simGBM.R
- simMultivariates.R
- simOU.R
- simOUJ.R
- simOUt.R
- swapCOM.R
- swapFutWeight.R
- swapInfo.R
- swapIRS.R
- tradeStats.R
- tradeStrategyDY.R
- tradeStrategySMA.R
- utils-pipe.R
Selected R package: RTL
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