R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- all_output_formats()
- available_templates()
- beamer_presentation()
- compile_notebook()
- context_document()
- convert_ipynb()
- default_output_format()
- draft()
- find_external_resources()
- find_pandoc()
- github_document()
- html-dependencies()
- html_document()
- html_document_base()
- html_fragment()
- html_notebook()
- html_notebook_metadata()
- html_notebook_output()
- html_vignette()
- includes()
- ioslides_presentation()
- knitr_options()
- knitr_options_html()
- knitr_options_pdf()
- knit_params_ask()
- latex-dependencies()
- latex_dependency()
- md_document()
- metadata()
- navbar_html()
- odt_document()
- output_format()
- output_format_dependency()
- output_metadata()
- paged_table()
- pandoc_args()
- pandoc_available()
- pandoc_citeproc_convert()
- pandoc_convert()
- pandoc_exec()
- pandoc_options()
- pandoc_path_arg()
- pandoc_self_contained_html()
- pandoc_template()
- parse_html_notebook()
- pdf_document()
- pkg_file_lua()
- powerpoint_presentation()
- publish_site()
- relative_to()
- render()
- render_delayed()
- render_site()
- render_supporting_files()
- resolve_output_format()
- rmarkdown-package()
- rmarkdown_format()
- rmd_metadata()
- rtf_document()
- run()
- shiny_prerendered_chunk()
- shiny_prerendered_clean()
- shiny_prerendered_server_start_code()
- site_resources()
- slidy_presentation()
- word_document()
- yaml_front_matter()
R Codes
- base64.R
- beamer_presentation.R
- context_document.R
- draft.R
- github_document.R
- html_dependencies.R
- html_document.R
- html_document_base.R
- html_extras.R
- html_fragment.R
- html_notebook.R
- html_notebook_output.R
- html_paged.R
- html_parser.R
- html_resources.R
- html_resource_copy.R
- html_vignette.R
- includes.R
- ioslides_presentation.R
- jupyter.R
- knit_print.R
- latex_dependencies.R
- list_builder.R
- md_document.R
- odt_document.R
- output_format.R
- pandoc.R
- params.R
- pdf_document.R
- performance.R
- powerpoint_presentation.R
- publish_site.R
- relative_to.R
- render.R
- render_html.R
- render_site.R
- rmarkdown-package.R
- rtf_document.R
- shiny.R
- shiny_module.R
- shiny_prerendered.R
- slidy_presentation.R
- stack.R
- util.R
- version_jqueryui.R
- word_document.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: rmarkdown
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