R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add.neighbor()
- bayesx.construct()
- bayesx.control()
- bayesx()
- bayesx.term.options()
- BeechBnd()
- BeechGra()
- bnd2gra()
- colorlegend()
- cprob()
- delete.neighbor()
- DIC()
- FantasyBnd()
- fitted.bayesx()
- ForestHealth()
- GAMart()
- GCV()
- GermanyBnd()
- get.neighbor()
- getscript()
- GRstats()
- logfile()
- MunichBnd()
- nbAndGraConversion()
- parse.bayesx.input()
- plot.bayesx()
- plot2d()
- plot3d()
- plotblock()
- plotmap()
- plotsamples()
- predict.bayesx()
- prgfile()
- R2BayesX-package()
- read.bayesx.output()
- read.bnd()
- read.gra()
- runtime()
- samples()
- shp2bnd()
- sliceplot()
- spAndBndConversion()
- summary.bayesx()
- sx()
- term.freqs()
- write.bayesx.input()
- write.bnd()
- write.gra()
- ZambiaBnd()
- ZambiaNutrition()
R Codes
- add.neighbor.R
- AIC.bayesx.R
- bayesx.construct.bl.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.cs.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.factor.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.generic.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.gk.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.gs.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.kr.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.lasso.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.mrf.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.nigmix.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.offset.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.ps.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.R
- bayesx.construct.ra.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.ridge.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.rw1.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.rw2.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.season.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.te.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.construct.tensor.smooth.spec.R
- bayesx.control.R
- bayesx.R
- bayesx.reformate.R
- bayesx.term.options.R
- bayesx_logfile.R
- bayesx_prgfile.R
- bayesx_runtime.R
- BIC.bayesx.R
- blow.up.resid.R
- bnd2gra.R
- c.bayesx.R
- centroidpos.R
- centroids.R
- centroidtext.R
- chacol.R
- coef.bayesx.R
- coeffun.R
- colorlegend.R
- compute.x.id.R
- confbayesx.R
- confint.bayesx.R
- construct.shrw.R
- cpoint.R
- cpos.R
- cprob.R
- d2contrsum.R
- delete.args.R
- delete.neighbor.R
- delete.Nulls.R
- df2m.R
- df2m2.R
- DIC.bayesx.R
- do.xt.R
- dopos.R
- drawmap.R
- edf.R
- extract.model.diagnostic.R
- f2int.R
- find.fixed.effects.R
- find.limits.R
- find.smooth.random.R
- fitted.bayesx.R
- GAMart.R
- GCV.bayesx.R
- geo.smooth.spec.R
- get.eta.R
- get.kde.range.R
- get.model.R
- get.neighbor.R
- get.scale.R
- get.unique.R
- getscript.R
- getuit.R
- GRstats.R
- help.map.name.R
- interp2.R
- is.f.R
- is.rt.R
- is.sm.R
- logLik.bayesx.R
- make.label.R
- make_by.R
- make_pal.R
- measure.R
- model.frame.bayesx.R
- mum.R
- nbAndGraConversion.R
- neffects.R
- parse.bayesx.input.R
- parse.random.bayesx.R
- pd.R
- plot.bayesx.R
- plot.bnd.R
- plot.fit.bayesx.R
- plot.geo.bayesx.R
- plot.linear.bayesx.R
- plot.mrf.bayesx.R
- plot.random.bayesx.R
- plot.sm.bayesx.R
- plot.varying.bayesx.R
- plot2d.default.R
- plot2d.R
- plot3d.R
- plotblock.R
- plotmap.R
- plotnonp.R
- plotsamples.R
- plotsurf.R
- predict.bayesx.R
- Predict.matrix.nu.smooth.R
- print.bayesx.R
- print.summary.bayesx.R
- r.R
- r2bayesx-internal.R
- read.bayesx.model.output.R
- read.bayesx.output.R
- read.bnd.R
- read.gra.R
- recol.R
- residuals.bayesx.R
- resplit.R
- ringDirxy.R
- rmf.R
- rrd.R
- s4class.R
- s4dim.R
- s4hm.R
- samples.R
- search.bayesx.models.R
- search.bayesx.tex.R
- set.hlevel.stuff.R
- set.plot2d.specs.R
- setmfrow.R
- sfoofun.R
- shp2bnd.R
- sliceplot.R
- smi.R
- smooth.construct.nu.smooth.spec.R
- spAndBndConversion.R
- split.terms.R
- splitme.R
- summary.bayesx.R
- sx.R
- term.freqs.R
- term.names.R
- term.reorder.R
- terms.bayesx.R
- textfun.R
- unique.id.R
- which.plots.R
- write.bayesx.input.R
- write.bnd.R
- write.gra.R
- write.prg.setup.R
- write.term.info.R
- x2int.R
Selected R package: R2BayesX
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