R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_2flextables()
- add_2ggplots()
- add_2plots()
- add_anyplot()
- add_flextable()
- add_ggplot()
- add_image()
- add_plot()
- add_Rcode()
- add_self()
- add_text()
- add_text2hyperlink()
- add_title()
- add_title_slide()
- as.mynumeric()
- chooser()
- chooser2()
- chooser2UI()
- chooserInput()
- chooserUI()
- code2docx()
- code2office()
- code2pptx()
- data2docx()
- data2docx2()
- data2HTML()
- data2office()
- data2pdf()
- data2plotzip()
- data2pptx()
- data2pptx2()
- df2flextable()
- df2flextable2()
- df2RcodeTable()
- exportCSV()
- file2docx()
- file2docx2()
- file2HTML()
- file2pdf()
- file2plotzip()
- file2pptx()
- file2pptx2()
- flextable2ztable()
- html2latex()
- HTMLcode2latex()
- image2docx()
- image2office()
- image2pptx()
- insert_argument()
- is_ggplot()
- is_ggsurvplot()
- mycat()
- myFlextable()
- mygrep()
- myplot2()
- mytable2flextable()
- open_doc()
- p2character()
- pickerInput3()
- plot2docx()
- plot2office()
- plot2pptx()
- plotPNG2()
- pptxList()
- pptxListInput()
- Rcode2df()
- Rcode2df2()
- Rcode2docx()
- Rcode2flextable()
- Rcode2office()
- Rcode2pptx()
- readComment()
- readCSVComment()
- replace_argument()
- roundDf()
- sampleData2()
- sampleData3()
- set_argument()
- table2docx()
- table2office()
- table2pptx()
- tensiSplit()
- unsink()
- writeCSVComment()
- ztable2()
- ztable2flextable()
R Codes
- add_2ggplots.R
- add_2plots.R
- add_flextable.R
- add_ggplot.R
- add_plot.R
- add_Rcode.R
- add_title_slide.R
- chooserEx.R
- code2pptx.R
- data2HTML.R
- data2office.R
- data2pdf.R
- data2plotzip.R
- df2flextable.R
- exportCSV.R
- file2pdf.R
- flextable2ztable.R
- image2pptx.R
- myFlextable.R
- mytable2flextable.R
- plot2pptx.R
- pptxList.R
- pptxListInput.R
- readComment.R
- set_argument.R
- table2office.R
- writeCSVComment.R
- ztable2.R
- ztable2flextable.R
Selected R package: rrtable
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