R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- As.mcmc.list()
- check_hmc_diagnostics()
- expose_stan_functions()
- extract_sparse_parts()
- lookup()
- makeconf_path()
- monitor()
- nlist()
- plotting-functions()
- print.stanfit()
- read_rdump()
- Rhat()
- rstan-internal()
- rstan()
- rstan.package.skeleton()
- rstan_options()
- sbc()
- set_cppo()
- sflist2stanfit()
- stan()
- stanc()
- stanfit-class()
- stanfit-method-extract()
- stanfit-method-logprob()
- stanfit-method-loo-moment-match()
- stanfit-method-loo()
- stanfit-method-pairs()
- stanfit-method-plot()
- stanfit-method-summary()
- stanfit-method-traceplot()
- stanfit2array-method()
- stanmodel-class()
- stanmodel-method-gqs()
- stanmodel-method-optimizing()
- stanmodel-method-sampling()
- stanmodel-method-vb()
- stan_csv()
- stan_demo()
- stan_model()
- stan_plot()
- stan_plot_diagnostics()
- stan_plot_options()
- stan_rdump()
- stan_version()
R Codes
- AllClass.R
- chains.R
- check_hmc_diagnostics.R
- cxxdso-class.R
- cxxfunplus.R
- doctor_cppcode.R
- dynGet.R
- exposeStanClass.R
- expose_stan_functions.R
- extract_sparse_parts.R
- get_rng.R
- get_stream.R
- gqs_light.R
- loo.R
- lookup.R
- makefile_op.R
- misc.R
- monitor.R
- options.R
- pairs.R
- plugin.R
- Rcpp_module_def.R
- rstan.R
- rstan_package_skeleton.R
- stanc.R
- stanfit-class.R
- stanmodel-class.R
- stan_csv.R
- stan_demo.R
- stan_plot.R
- stan_plot_helpers.R
- stan_plot_options.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: rstan
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