R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- CholeskyAllocator()
- CholeskyMicrobenchmark()
- ClaraClusteringMicrobenchmark()
- ClusteringAllocator()
- ClusteringMicrobenchmark()
- ComputeAverageTime()
- ComputeStandardDeviation()
- CrossprodAllocator()
- CrossprodMicrobenchmark()
- DeformtransAllocator()
- DeformtransMicrobenchmark()
- DenseMatrixMicrobenchmark()
- DeterminantAllocator()
- DeterminantMicrobenchmark()
- EigenAllocator()
- EigenMicrobenchmark()
- GenerateClusterData()
- GetClusteringDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
- GetClusteringExampleMicrobenchmarks()
- GetConfigurableEnvParameter()
- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
- GetDenseMatrixExampleMicrobenchmarks()
- GetNumberOfThreads()
- GetSparseCholeskyDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
- GetSparseCholeskyExampleMicrobenchmarks()
- GetSparseLuDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
- GetSparseMatrixVectorDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
- GetSparseMatrixVectorExampleMicrobenchmarks()
- GetSparseQrDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
- LsfitAllocator()
- LsfitMicrobenchmark()
- MatmatAllocator()
- MatmatMicrobenchmark()
- MatvecAllocator()
- MatvecMicrobenchmark()
- MicrobenchmarkClusteringKernel()
- MicrobenchmarkDenseMatrixKernel()
- MicrobenchmarkSparseMatrixKernel()
- PamClusteringMicrobenchmark()
- PerformClusteringMicrobenchmarking()
- PerformSparseMatrixKernelMicrobenchmarking()
- PrintClusteringMicrobenchmarkResults()
- PrintDenseMatrixMicrobenchmarkResults()
- PrintSparseMatrixMicrobenchmarkResults()
- QrAllocator()
- QrMicrobenchmark()
- RHPCBenchmark()
- RunDenseMatrixBenchmark()
- RunMachineLearningBenchmark()
- RunSparseMatrixBenchmark()
- SolveAllocator()
- SolveMicrobenchmark()
- SparseCholeskyAllocator()
- SparseCholeskyMicrobenchmark()
- SparseLuAllocator()
- SparseLuMicrobenchmark()
- SparseMatrixMicrobenchmark()
- SparseMatrixVectorAllocator()
- SparseMatrixVectorMicrobenchmark()
- SparseQrAllocator()
- SparseQrMicrobenchmark()
- SvdAllocator()
- SvdMicrobenchmark()
- TransposeAllocator()
- TransposeMicrobenchmark()
- WriteClusteringPerformanceResultsCsv()
- WriteDenseMatrixPerformanceResultsCsv()
- WriteSparseMatrixPerformanceResultsCsv()
R Codes
- benchmarking_utils.R
- classes.R
- dense_matrix_benchmark.R
- dense_matrix_kernels.R
- initialize_defaults.R
- machine_learning_benchmark.R
- machine_learning_kernels.R
- microbenchmark_clustering_kernel.R
- microbenchmark_dense_matrix_kernel.R
- microbenchmark_sparse_matrix_kernel.R
- RHPCBenchmark.R
- sparse_matrix_benchmark.R
- sparse_matrix_kernels.R
Selected R package: RHPCBenchmark
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