R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- calcAgreement()
- calcAlignment()
- calcAlignmentPerCluster()
- calcARI()
- calcDatasetSpecificity()
- calcGeneVars()
- calcNormLoadings()
- calcPurity()
- convertOldLiger()
- createLiger()
- getFactorMarkers()
- getGeneValues()
- getProportionMito()
- imputeKNN()
- liger-class()
- liger-demodata()
- ligerToSeurat()
- linkGenesAndPeaks()
- louvainCluster()
- makeFeatureMatrix()
- makeInteractTrack()
- makeRiverplot()
- mergeH5()
- normalize()
- online_iNMF()
- optimizeALS()
- optimizeNewData()
- optimizeNewK()
- optimizeNewLambda()
- optimizeSubset()
- plotByDatasetAndCluster()
- plotClusterFactors()
- plotClusterProportions()
- plotFactors()
- plotFeature()
- plotGene()
- plotGeneLoadings()
- plotGenes()
- plotGeneViolin()
- plotWordClouds()
- quantileAlignSNF()
- quantile_norm()
- read10X()
- readSubset()
- removeMissingObs()
- reorganizeLiger()
- restoreOnlineLiger()
- runGSEA()
- runTSNE()
- runUMAP()
- runWilcoxon()
- scaleNotCenter()
- selectGenes()
- seuratToLiger()
- show-methods()
- subsetLiger()
- suggestK()
- suggestLambda()
R Codes
Selected R package: rliger
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