R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- adapt_pic_with_sigma2maxmodel()
- adapt_X_estimating_less_variables()
- add_configuration()
- add_metrics()
- add_pic()
- add_pic_parallel()
- beta_true_heterogroups()
- calculate_best_config()
- calculate_errors_virtual_groups()
- calculate_error_term()
- calculate_FL_group_estimated()
- calculate_FL_group_true()
- calculate_lambda()
- calculate_lambda_group()
- calculate_lgfg()
- calculate_mse_beta()
- calculate_obj_for_g()
- calculate_PIC()
- calculate_PIC_term1()
- calculate_sigma2()
- calculate_sigma2maxmodel()
- calculate_TN_factor()
- calculate_VCsquared()
- calculate_virtual_factor_and_lambda_group()
- calculate_W()
- calculate_XB_estimated()
- calculate_XB_true()
- calculate_Z_common()
- calculate_Z_group()
- check_stopping_rules()
- clustering_with_robust_distances()
- create_covMat_crosssectional_dependence()
- create_data_dgp2()
- create_true_beta()
- define_configurations()
- define_C_candidates()
- define_kg_candidates()
- define_number_subsets()
- define_object_for_initial_clustering_macropca()
- define_rho_parameters()
- determine_beta()
- determine_robust_lambda()
- df_results_example()
- do_we_estimate_common_factors()
- do_we_estimate_group_factors()
- estimate_algorithm()
- estimate_beta()
- estimate_factor()
- estimate_factor_group()
- evade_crashes_macropca()
- evade_floating_point_errors()
- factor_group_true_dgp3()
- fill_rc()
- fill_rcj()
- final_estimations_filter_kg()
- generate_grouped_factorstructure()
- generate_Y()
- get_best_configuration()
- get_convergence_speed()
- get_final_estimation()
- grid_add_variables()
- g_true_dgp3()
- handleNA()
- handleNA_LG()
- handle_macropca_errors()
- initialise_beta()
- initialise_clustering()
- initialise_commonfactorstructure_macropca()
- initialise_df_pic()
- initialise_df_results()
- initialise_rc()
- initialise_rcj()
- initialise_X()
- iterate()
- kg_candidates_expand()
- lambda_group_true_dgp3()
- make_df_pic_parallel()
- make_df_results_parallel()
- make_subsamples()
- matrixnorm()
- mse_heterogeneous_groups()
- OF_vectorized3()
- OF_vectorized_helpfunction3()
- parallel_algorithm()
- plot_VCsquared()
- prepare_for_robpca()
- RCTS()
- reassign_if_empty_groups()
- restructure_X_to_order_slowN_fastT()
- return_robust_lambdaobject()
- robustpca()
- run_config()
- scaling_X()
- solveFG()
- tabulate_potential_C()
- update_g()
- X_dgp3()
- Y_dgp3()
R Codes
Selected R package: RCTS
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