R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- acg.mle()
- AddToNamespace()
- allbetas()
- allttests()
- all_equals()
- ancova1()
- ancovas()
- anova_propreg()
- anova_quasipois.reg()
- apply.condition()
- ar1()
- as.Rfast.function()
- bc()
- beta.mle()
- bic.corfsreg()
- bic.fs.reg()
- binary_search()
- boot.ttest2()
- bs.reg()
- btmprobs()
- cat.goftests()
- checkNamespace()
- check_data()
- cholesky()
- circlin.cor()
- col.yule()
- colanovas()
- colAny()
- colaucs()
- colCumMaxs()
- colcvs()
- coldiffs()
- colkurtosis()
- colMads()
- colmeans()
- colMedians()
- colMins()
- colnormal.mle()
- colnth()
- colOrder()
- colPmax()
- colpoisdisp.tests()
- colpoisson.anovas()
- colprods()
- colrange()
- colRanks()
- colrint.regbx()
- colrow.value()
- colShuffle()
- colsums()
- colTabulate()
- colTrue()
- columns()
- colvarcomps.mom()
- colVars()
- colwatsons()
- comb_n()
- cor.fbed()
- cor.fsreg()
- corpairs()
- correls()
- count_value()
- cova()
- cox.poisrat()
- data.frame.to_matrix()
- dcor()
- dcor.ttest()
- dcov()
- design_matrix()
- Diag.fill()
- diri.nr2()
- dirknn.cv()
- dirknn()
- Dist()
- dista()
- dmvnorm()
- edist()
- eel.test1()
- eel.test2()
- eigen.sym()
- env.copy()
- exact.ttest2()
- expregs()
- fish.kent()
- floyd()
- freq.min()
- fs.reg()
- ftest()
- ftests()
- g2Test()
- g2tests()
- g2Test_univariate()
- gammamle()
- gammareg()
- gaussian.nb()
- gaussiannb.pred()
- gchi2Test()
- geom.regs()
- ginis()
- glm_logistic()
- group()
- hash.find()
- hash.list()
- Hash()
- hash2list()
- hd.eigen()
- invdir.mle()
- invgauss.reg()
- is.symmetric()
- is_element()
- is_integer()
- iterator()
- james()
- knn.cv()
- knn()
- kruskaltests()
- kuiper()
- Lbeta()
- Lchoose()
- Lgamma()
- list.ftests()
- lmfit()
- Log()
- logistic.cat1()
- logistic_only()
- lower_tri()
- mad2()
- mahala()
- mat.mat()
- mat.mult()
- match.coefs()
- Match()
- matrnorm()
- med()
- mediandir()
- min_max()
- multinom.mle()
- multinom.reg()
- multinom.regs()
- mv.eeltest1()
- mv.eeltest2()
- mvbetas()
- mvkurtosis()
- mvnorm.mle()
- mvt.mle()
- negative()
- Norm()
- normal.mle()
- normlog.reg()
- normlog.regs()
- odds()
- odds.ratio()
- ompr()
- ordinal.mle()
- Outer()
- pc.skel()
- percent.ttest()
- percent.ttests()
- permcor()
- permutation()
- Pmax()
- poisdisp.test()
- poisson.anova()
- poisson.anovas()
- poly.cor()
- pooled.cov()
- prop.reg()
- proptests()
- qpois.reg()
- quasi.poisson_only()
- racg()
- Rank()
- rbing()
- rbingham()
- read.directory()
- regression()
- rep_col()
- Rfast-package()
- rint.regbx()
- rint.regs()
- rm.anova()
- rm.lines()
- rmdp()
- rmvlaplace()
- rmvnorm()
- Rnorm()
- Round()
- rowMins()
- rowTrue()
- rvmf()
- rvonmises()
- score.glms()
- sftests()
- skew()
- skew.test2()
- Sort()
- sort_mat()
- sort_unique()
- sourceR()
- spat.med()
- spatmed.reg()
- spdinv()
- spml.reg()
- spml.regs()
- squareform()
- sscov()
- Stack()
- standardise()
- submatrix()
- Table()
- tobit.mle()
- topological_sort()
- total.dist()
- transpose()
- ttest()
- ttest1()
- ttests()
- twoway.anovas()
- ufactor()
- univglms()
- Var()
- varcomps.mom()
- vm.mle()
- weib.reg()
- which.is()
- XopY.sum()
- yule()
- zip.mle()
R Codes
- All.R
- all_equals.R
- anova_related.R
- Any.R
- apply.condition.R
- as_integer.R
- auc.R
- binary_search.R
- btmprobs.R
- cat.goftests.R
- check_data.R
- chi2Test.R
- cholesky.R
- circlin.cor.R
- col.coxpoisrat.R
- col.yule.R
- colar1.R
- colaucs.R
- colcvs.R
- coldiffs.R
- colkurtosis.R
- colpois.tests.R
- colpoisdisp.tests.R
- colrow.value.R
- colskewness.R
- column-wise_mle.R
- colwatsons.R
- cora_and_cova.R
- count_value.R
- cox.poisrat.R
- cqtest.R
- cqtests.R
- cumulative.R
- data.frame.to_matrix.R
- design_matrix.R
- Diag.R
- directional_mle.R
- dirknn.R
- discrete_mle.R
- Dist.R
- dista.R
- distance_cov_cor.R
- dmvnorm.R
- dmvt.R
- eachcol.apply.R
- eachrow.R
- eigen.sym.R
- empirical_likelihood_tests.R
- env.copy.R
- F-tests.R
- fish.kent.R
- floyd.R
- frequency.R
- G2test.R
- gamma.R
- gammamle.R
- gchi2Test.R
- ginis.R
- group.R
- hamean.R
- Hash.R
- hd.eigen.R
- is.R
- iterator.R
- james.R
- knn.R
- kruskaltest.R
- kuiper.R
- kurtosis_skewness.R
- Lbeta.R
- Log.R
- logical.R
- mad2.R
- mahala.R
- many_regression_models_correlations.R
- match.coefs.R
- Match.R
- matrix.R
- mcnemar.R
- mean.R
- median.R
- mediandir.R
- min_max.R
- multivariate_EEL_tests.R
- multivariate_mle.R
- mvkurtosis.R
- naive_bayes.R
- negative.R
- Norm.R
- nth.R
- odds.R
- odds.ratio.R
- Order.R
- Outer.R
- pc.skel.R
- percentages_mle.R
- permcor.R
- permutation_combination.R
- Pmin.R
- pois.test.R
- poisdisp.test.R
- poly.cor.R
- pooled.cov.R
- positive.negative.R
- positive.R
- positive_mle.R
- prods.R
- proptest.R
- random_values_simulation.R
- ranef_mle_regressions_repeated_measures.R
- range.R
- Rank.R
- real_mle.R
- regression_models.R
- rel.risk.R
- replicate.R
- rmdp.R
- Round.R
- rowcvs.R
- s3operator.R
- score_tests.R
- sftest.R
- Sort.R
- sort_unique.R
- spat.med.R
- spdinv.R
- squareform.R
- sscov.R
- Stack.R
- standardise.R
- sum.R
- system_and_package.R
- Table.R
- Tabulate.R
- topological_sort.R
- triangular.R
- ttest_related_functions.R
- ufactor.R
- Var.R
- variable_selection.R
- variance_tests.R
- watson.R
- which.is.R
- yule.R
Selected R package: Rfast
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