R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addGrid()
- as.rgb()
- BoxCox()
- computeDirect()
- computePerfMeas()
- computePerfMeasAll()
- computeRIs()
- computeRIsAll()
- computeRuntimeAll()
- computeSubResults()
- defineSubset()
- evaluateAlgorithmResults()
- evaluateBiomarkerTestSets()
- formatNumber()
- generateBiomarkerTestSets()
- generateBoxPlotOneAnalyte()
- generateBoxplotsDistTypes()
- generateBoxplotsMultipleCats()
- generateDataFiles()
- generateMD5()
- generateScatterplotsAll()
- getBenchmarkResults()
- getRI()
- getRIsAllwithoutModel()
- getRuntime()
- getSubset()
- getSubsetForDefinedCats()
- invBoxCox()
- loadTestsetDefinition()
- mergeAnalytes()
- mergeSummaryErrors()
- plotBarplot()
- plotBoxplot()
- plotScatterplot()
- print.RWDRI()
- progressInd()
- readResultFiles()
- readResultFilesAll()
- readResultsAndComputeErrors()
- restrictSet()
- RIbench-Package()
- runDirectMethod()
- runTC_usingRscript()
- setupDirStructure()
- writeResFile()
R Codes
Selected R package: RIbench
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