R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- as.formant()
- as.it()
- as.pitch()
- as.pt()
- as.snd()
- as.tg()
- col.read()
- col.write()
- detectEncoding()
- formant.cut()
- formant.cut0()
- formant.getPointIndexHigherThanTime()
- formant.getPointIndexLowerThanTime()
- formant.getPointIndexNearestTime()
- formant.plot()
- formant.read()
- formant.sample()
- formant.toArray()
- formant.toFrame()
- formant.write()
- ifft()
- isInt()
- isLogical()
- isNum()
- isString()
- it.cut()
- it.cut0()
- it.getPointIndexHigherThanTime()
- it.getPointIndexLowerThanTime()
- it.getPointIndexNearestTime()
- it.interpolate()
- it.legendre()
- it.legendreDemo()
- it.legendreSynth()
- it.plot()
- it.read()
- it.sample()
- it.write()
- pitch.cut()
- pitch.cut0()
- pitch.getPointIndexHigherThanTime()
- pitch.getPointIndexLowerThanTime()
- pitch.getPointIndexNearestTime()
- pitch.plot()
- pitch.read()
- pitch.sample()
- pitch.toArray()
- pitch.toFrame()
- pitch.write()
- pt.cut()
- pt.cut0()
- pt.getPointIndexHigherThanTime()
- pt.getPointIndexLowerThanTime()
- pt.getPointIndexNearestTime()
- pt.Hz2ST()
- pt.interpolate()
- pt.legendre()
- pt.legendreDemo()
- pt.legendreSynth()
- pt.plot()
- pt.read()
- pt.sample()
- pt.write()
- round2()
- seqM()
- snd.cut()
- snd.cut0()
- snd.getPointIndexHigherThanTime()
- snd.getPointIndexLowerThanTime()
- snd.getPointIndexNearestTime()
- snd.plot()
- snd.read()
- snd.sample()
- snd.write()
- strTrim()
- str_contains()
- str_find()
- str_find1()
- tg.boundaryMagnet()
- tg.checkTierInd()
- tg.countLabels()
- tg.createNewTextGrid()
- tg.cut()
- tg.cut0()
- tg.duplicateTier()
- tg.duplicateTierMergeSegments()
- tg.findLabels()
- tg.getEndTime()
- tg.getIntervalDuration()
- tg.getIntervalEndTime()
- tg.getIntervalIndexAtTime()
- tg.getIntervalStartTime()
- tg.getLabel()
- tg.getNumberOfIntervals()
- tg.getNumberOfPoints()
- tg.getNumberOfTiers()
- tg.getPointIndexHigherThanTime()
- tg.getPointIndexLowerThanTime()
- tg.getPointIndexNearestTime()
- tg.getPointTime()
- tg.getStartTime()
- tg.getTierName()
- tg.getTotalDuration()
- tg.insertBoundary()
- tg.insertInterval()
- tg.insertNewIntervalTier()
- tg.insertNewPointTier()
- tg.insertPoint()
- tg.isIntervalTier()
- tg.isPointTier()
- tg.plot()
- tg.read()
- tg.removeIntervalBothBoundaries()
- tg.removeIntervalLeftBoundary()
- tg.removeIntervalRightBoundary()
- tg.removePoint()
- tg.removeTier()
- tg.repairContinuity()
- tg.sample()
- tg.sampleProblem()
- tg.setLabel()
- tg.setTierName()
- tg.write()
R Codes
Selected R package: rPraat
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