R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addLayer()
- adjacent()
- aggregate()
- alignExtent()
- animate()
- approxNA()
- area()
- Arith-methods()
- as.character()
- as.data.frame()
- as.list()
- as.logical-methods()
- as.matrix()
- as.raster()
- atan2()
- autocor()
- bands()
- barplot()
- bind()
- blockSize()
- boundaries()
- boxplot()
- brick()
- buffer()
- calc()
- cellFrom()
- cellsFromExtent()
- cellStats()
- clamp()
- clearValues()
- click()
- clump()
- cluster()
- colortable()
- Compare-methods()
- compare()
- compareCRS()
- contour()
- coords()
- corLocal()
- cover()
- crop()
- crosstab()
- cut()
- cv()
- datasource()
- dataType()
- density()
- dimensions()
- direction()
- disaggregate()
- distance()
- distanceFromPoints()
- draw()
- drawExtent()
- erase()
- extend()
- extension()
- Extent-class()
- extent()
- extract()
- extractIndex()
- extremeValues()
- factor()
- filename()
- filledContour()
- flip()
- flowpath()
- focal()
- focalWeight()
- freq()
- gainoffset()
- geom()
- getData()
- getValues()
- getValuesBlock()
- getValuesFocal()
- gridDistance()
- hdrFiles()
- headtail()
- hillShade()
- hist()
- image()
- iniFile()
- init()
- interpolate()
- intersect()
- isLonLat()
- KML()
- layerize()
- layerStats()
- localFun()
- Logic-methods()
- mask()
- match()
- Math-methods()
- merge()
- metadata()
- modal()
- mosaic()
- movingFun()
- names()
- NAvalue()
- ncell()
- nlayers()
- origin()
- overlay()
- pairs()
- persp()
- plot()
- plotRGB()
- pointDistance()
- predict()
- programming()
- projection()
- projectRaster()
- properties()
- quantile()
- Raster-classes()
- raster-package()
- raster()
- rasterFromCells()
- rasterFromXYZ()
- rasterize()
- rasterOptions()
- rasterTmpFile()
- rasterToContour()
- rasterToPoints()
- rasterToPolygons()
- Rcpp-classes()
- readAll()
- reclassify()
- rectify()
- replacement()
- resample()
- resolution()
- RGB()
- rotate()
- rotated()
- round()
- roundExtent()
- rowFromCell()
- rowSums()
- sampleInt()
- sampleRandom()
- sampleRegular()
- sampleStratified()
- saveStack()
- scale()
- scalebar()
- select()
- setExtent()
- setMinMax()
- setValues()
- shapefile()
- shift()
- slopeAspect()
- spEasy()
- spplot()
- stack()
- stackApply()
- stackSelect()
- strech()
- subs()
- subset()
- Summary-methods()
- summary()
- symdif()
- terrain()
- text()
- transpose()
- trim()
- union()
- unique()
- unstack()
- update()
- validCell()
- validNames()
- weighted.mean()
- which.minmax()
- which()
- writeFormats()
- writeRaster()
- writeValues()
- xyFromCell()
- zApply()
- zonal()
- zoom()
- zvalues()
R Codes
- AAAClasses.R
- AAgeneric_functions.R
- addFiles.R
- addLayer.R
- adjacency.R
- adjacent.R
- aggregate_3d.R
- aggregate_sp.R
- alignExtent.R
- animate.R
- approxNA.R
- area.R
- arith.R
- arith_sp.R
- as.array.R
- as.character.R
- as.data.frame.R
- as.logical.R
- as.matrix.R
- as.raster.R
- as.spatial.R
- atan2.R
- bands.R
- barplot.R
- bbox.R
- bilinearValue.R
- bind.R
- blend.R
- blockSize.R
- boundaries.R
- boxplot.R
- brick.R
- buffer.R
- calc.R
- canProcessInMemory.R
- cellFromLine.R
- cellFromPolygon.R
- cellRowCol.R
- cellsFromExtent.R
- cellStats.R
- cellValues.R
- clamp.R
- clearValues.R
- click.R
- clump.R
- clusterR.R
- coerce.R
- col2RGB.R
- colortable.R
- commonDataType.R
- compare.R
- compareCRS.R
- compare_Logical.R
- connection.R
- contour.R
- cor.R
- corLocal.R
- cover.R
- coverBrick.R
- coverPolygons.R
- crop.R
- cropSpatial.R
- crosstab.R
- cut.R
- cv.R
- dataProperties.R
- dataType.R
- density.R
- destair.R
- dim.R
- direction.R
- disaggregate.R
- distance.R
- distanceFromPoints.R
- distanceRows.R
- distanceToEdge.R
- dotdens.R
- drawExtent.R
- drawPoly.R
- drivers.R
- dropLayer.R
- erase.R
- extend.R
- extension.R
- extent.R
- extentUnion.R
- extract.R
- extractExtent.R
- extractLines.R
- extractPoints.R
- extractPoints_sp.R
- extractPolygons.R
- factor.R
- fasterize.R
- filler.R
- fixDBFnames.R
- flip.R
- flowpath.R
- focal.R
- focalFun.R
- focalWeight.R
- fourCellsFromXY.R
- frbind.R
- freq.R
- fullFileName.R
- gainoffset.R
- gdal.R
- gdalFormats.R
- GDALtransient.R
- Geary.R
- geom.R
- getData.R
- getValues.R
- getValuesBlock.R
- getValuesFocal.R
- getValuesRows.R
- gridDistance.R
- gridDistance2.R
- hdr.R
- hdrBIL.R
- hdrBov.R
- hdrEnvi.R
- hdrErdasRaw.R
- hdrPRJ.R
- hdrRaster.R
- hdrSAGA.R
- hdrVRT.R
- hdrWorldFile.R
- head.R
- hillShade.R
- hist.R
- idwValue.R
- ifelse.R
- image.R
- imageplot.R
- imageplot2.R
- index.R
- indexReplace.R
- indexReplaceBrick.R
- inifile.R
- init.R
- intDataType.R
- interpolate.R
- intersect.R
- intersect_sp.R
- is.na.R
- isLonLat.R
- kernelDens.R
- kernelDensity.R
- kml.R
- kml_multiple.R
- labels.R
- layerize.R
- layerStats.R
- localFun.R
- makeProjString.R
- makeRasterList.R
- makeTiles.R
- mask.R
- match.R
- math.R
- maxDataType.R
- mean.R
- median.R
- merge.R
- metadata.R
- minValue.R
- modal.R
- modalRaster.R
- moran.R
- mosaic.R
- movingFun.R
- multiCore.R
- names.R
- naValue.R
- ncell.R
- netCDFread.R
- netCDFreadCells.R
- netCDFtoRasterCD.R
- netCDFtoRasterGMT.R
- netCDFtoStack.R
- netCDFutil.R
- netCDFwriteCD.R
- newPLot.R
- nlayers.R
- notused.R
- nsidcICE.R
- origin.R
- overlay.R
- pairs.R
- persp.R
- plot.R
- plot2rasters.R
- plotCT.R
- plotExent.R
- plotRaster.R
- plotRaster2.R
- plotRGB.R
- pointdistance.R
- predict.R
- print.R
- progressBar.R
- project.R
- projection.R
- projectRaster.R
- properties.R
- quad.R
- quantile.R
- randomize.R
- range.R
- raster.R
- rasterFromASCII.R
- rasterFromBIL.R
- rasterFromCells.R
- rasterFromFile.R
- rasterFromGDAL.R
- rasterFromIDRISI.R
- rasterFromRasterFile.R
- rasterFromSAGA.R
- rasterFromSurferFile.R
- rasterFromXYZ.R
- rasterize.R
- rasterizeLines.R
- rasterizePoints.R
- rasterizePointsNGB.R
- rasterizePolygons.R
- rasterOptions.R
- rasterToPoints.R
- rasterToPolygons.R
- ratify.R
- RcppExports.R
- read.R
- readAscii.R
- readCells.R
- readCellsGDAL.R
- readRasterBrick.R
- readRasterLayer.R
- reclassify.R
- rectify.R
- replaceProperties.R
- resample.R
- rotate.R
- roundExtent.R
- rowMinMax.R
- rowSums.R
- sampleAlong.R
- sampleInt.R
- sampleRandom.R
- sampleRegular.R
- sampleStratified.R
- scale.R
- scalebar.R
- select.R
- setCV.R
- setExtent.R
- setFileExt.R
- setMinMax.R
- setValues.R
- setZ.R
- sf.R
- shift.R
- show.R
- shp.R
- simplifyPols.R
- slopeAspect.R
- sparse.R
- speasy.R
- spplot.R
- srs.R
- stack.R
- stackApply.R
- stackFile.R
- stackQuick.R
- stackSelect.R
- stretch.R
- subs.R
- subset.R
- summary-methods.R
- summary.R
- symdif.R
- terrain.R
- text.R
- tmpFile.R
- transpose.R
- trim.R
- union.R
- union_sp.R
- unique.R
- unstack.R
- update.R
- validCell.R
- values.R
- weighted.mean.R
- which.max.R
- which.R
- whiches.max.R
- writeAllAscii.R
- writeAllGDAL.R
- writeAllRaster.R
- writeRaster.R
- writeStartStop.R
- writeStartStopAscii.R
- writeStartStopGDAL.R
- writeStartStopRaster.R
- writeValues.R
- xyCell.R
- xyMinMax.R
- xyResolution.R
- xyValuesBuffer.R
- zApply.R
- zonal.R
- zoom.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: raster
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