R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- anova.ate()
- as.data.table.ate()
- as.data.table.influenceTest()
- as.data.table.predictCox()
- as.data.table.predictCSC()
- ate()
- autoplot.ate()
- autoplot.predictCox()
- autoplot.predictCSC()
- autoplot.Score()
- baseHaz_cpp()
- boot2pvalue()
- boxplot.Score()
- calcSeCox()
- calcSeCSC()
- Cforest()
- coef.CauseSpecificCox()
- coef.riskRegression()
- colCenter_cpp()
- colCumSum()
- colMultiply_cpp()
- colScale_cpp()
- confint.ate()
- confint.influenceTest()
- confint.predictCox()
- confint.predictCSC()
- coxBaseEstimator()
- coxCenter()
- coxFormula()
- coxLP()
- coxModelFrame()
- coxN()
- coxSpecial()
- coxStrata()
- coxStrataLevel()
- coxVarCov()
- coxVariableName()
- CSC()
- Ctree()
- dicreteRoot()
- FGR()
- getSplitMethod()
- GLMnet()
- Hal9001()
- iid.wglm()
- iidCox()
- influenceTest()
- information.wglm()
- IPA()
- ipcw()
- Melanoma()
- model.matrix.cph()
- model.matrix.phreg()
- Paquid()
- penalizedS3()
- plot.riskRegression()
- plotAUC()
- plotBrier()
- plotCalibration()
- plotEffects()
- plotPredictRisk()
- plotRisk()
- plotROC()
- predict.CauseSpecificCox()
- predict.FGR()
- predict.riskRegression()
- predictCox()
- predictCoxPL()
- predictRisk()
- print.ate()
- print.CauseSpecificCox()
- print.FGR()
- print.influenceTest()
- print.IPA()
- print.predictCox()
- print.predictCSC()
- print.riskRegression()
- print.Score()
- print.subjectWeights()
- reconstructData()
- riskLevelPlot()
- riskRegression-package()
- riskRegression()
- riskRegression.options()
- rowCenter_cpp()
- rowCumSum()
- rowMultiply_cpp()
- rowPaste()
- rowScale_cpp()
- rowSumsCrossprod()
- sampleData()
- saveCoxConfidential()
- Score()
- score.wglm()
- selectCox()
- selectJump()
- simActiveSurveillance()
- simMelanoma()
- simPBC()
- simsynth()
- SmcFcs()
- splitStrataVar()
- subjectWeights()
- subsetIndex()
- summary.ate()
- summary.FGR()
- summary.riskRegression()
- summary.Score()
- SuperPredictor()
- SurvResponseVar()
- synthesize()
- terms.phreg()
- transformCIBP()
- wglm()
R Codes
- 0onload.R
- anova.ate.R
- as.data.table.ate.R
- as.data.table.influenceTest.R
- as.data.table.predictCox.R
- as.data.table.predictCSC.R
- ate-bootstrap.R
- ate-iid.R
- ate-pointEstimate.R
- ate.R
- AUC.binary.R
- AUC.competing.risks.R
- AUC.survival.R
- autoplot.ate.R
- autoplot.predictCox.R
- autoplot.predictCSC.R
- autoplot.Score.R
- boxplot.Score.R
- Brier.binary.R
- Brier.competing.risks.R
- Brier.survival.R
- calcCensoringWeightsCox.R
- calcSeCox.R
- calcSeCSC.R
- coef.CauseSpecificCox.R
- coef.riskRegression.R
- computePerformance.R
- confint.ate.R
- confint.influenceTest.R
- confint.predictCox.R
- confint.predictCSC.R
- crossvalPerf.R
- discreteRoot.R
- getCensoringWeights.R
- getComparisons.R
- getCoxInfo.R
- getInfluenceCurve.R
- getLegendData.R
- getNullModel.R
- getPerformanceData.R
- getResponse.R
- getSplitMethod.R
- getVcov.R
- GLMnet.R
- HAL9001.R
- iidCox.R
- influenceTest.R
- ipcw.R
- nobs.R
- plot.riskRegression.R
- plotAUC.R
- plotBrier.R
- plotCalibration.R
- plotEffects.R
- plotPredictRisk.R
- plotRisk.R
- plotROC.R
- predict.CauseSpecificCox.R
- predict.FGR.R
- predict.riskRegression.R
- predictCox.R
- predictCoxPL.R
- predictRisk.party.R
- predictRisk.R
- print.ate.R
- print.CauseSpecificCox.R
- print.FGR.R
- print.influenceTest.R
- print.IPA.R
- print.predictCox.R
- print.predictCSC.R
- print.riskRegression.R
- print.Score.R
- print.subjectWeights.R
- RcppExports.R
- riskLevelPlot.R
- riskQuantile.R
- riskRegression-package.R
- riskRegression.R
- sampleData.R
- saveCoxConfidential.R
- Score.R
- selectCox.R
- sim.synth.R
- simActiveSurveillance.R
- simMelanoma.R
- simPBC.R
- subjectWeights.R
- summary.ate.R
- summary.FGR.R
- summary.riskRegression.R
- summary.Score.R
- SuperPredictor.R
- synthesize.R
- transform.R
- Utils.R
- wglm.R
Selected R package: riskRegression
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