R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- angle.matrix()
- conv.map()
- cutPhylo()
- DataApes()
- DataCetaceans()
- DataFelids()
- DataOrnithodirans()
- DataSimians()
- DataUng()
- distNodes()
- evo.dir()
- fix.poly()
- getGenus()
- getMommy()
- getSis()
- lollipoPlot()
- makeFossil()
- makeL()
- makeL1()
- namesCompare()
- node.paths()
- overfitRR()
- PGLS_fossil()
- phyloclust()
- plotConv()
- plotRates()
- plotShift()
- plotTrend()
- random.evolvability.test()
- rate.map()
- rescaleRR()
- retrieve.angles()
- RRphylo-defunct()
- RRphylo-deprecated()
- RRphylo-package()
- RRphylo()
- scaleTree()
- search.conv()
- search.shift()
- search.trend()
- setBM()
- sig2BM()
- sizedsubtree()
- StableTraitsR()
- swapONE()
- tips()
- tree.merger()
- treeCompare()
- treedataMatch()
R Codes
- angle.matrix.R
- auxilliary.functions.R
- conv.map.R
- cutPhylo.R
- DataApes.R
- DataCetaceans.R
- DataFelids.R
- DataOrnithodirans.R
- DataSimians.R
- DataUng.R
- distNodes.R
- evo.dir.R
- fix.poly.R
- geiger_functions.R
- getGenus.R
- getMommy.R
- getSis.R
- lollipoPlot.R
- makeFossil.R
- makeL.R
- makeL1.R
- namesCompare.R
- node.paths.R
- overfitRR.R
- PGLS_fossil.R
- phyloclust.R
- plotConv.R
- plotRates.R
- plotShift.R
- plotTrend.R
- random.evolvability.test.R
- rate.map.R
- rescaleRR.R
- retrieve.angles.R
- RRphylo-defunct.R
- RRphylo-deprecated.R
- RRphylo-package.R
- RRphylo.R
- scaleTree.R
- search.conv.R
- search.shift.R
- search.trend.R
- setBM.R
- sizedsubtree.R
- StableTraitsR.R
- swap.phylo.R
- swapONE.R
- tree.merger.R
- treeCompare.R
Selected R package: RRphylo
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