R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AngerManagement()
- bootstrapD()
- Burns()
- ConTestC()
- conTestF()
- ConTestLRT()
- ConTestScore()
- ConTestWald()
- conTest_ceq()
- conTest_methods()
- conTest_summary()
- evSyn()
- Exam()
- FacialBurns()
- goric()
- Hurricanes()
- iht()
- mixingWeights()
- myGORICs()
- myLLs()
- myPTs()
- restriktor()
- restriktor_methods()
- ZelazoKolb1972()
R Codes
- benchmark.R
- conGLM.R
- conGLM_fit.R
- conLM.R
- conMLM.R
- conRLM.R
- conRLM_fit.R
- conRLM_tests_F_Wald_score.R
- conTest.R
- conTestD.R
- conTestLavaan_plot.R
- conTest_ceq_conGLM_F_Wald_score.R
- conTest_ceq_conLM_F_Wald_score.R
- conTest_ceq_conRLM_F_Wald_score.R
- conTest_conGLM.R
- conTest_conLM.R
- conTest_conMLM.R
- conTest_conRLM.R
- conTest_print.R
- conTest_summary.R
- con_augmented_information.R
- con_boot.R
- con_bootstrapD.R
- con_boot_data.R
- con_boot_fixed.R
- con_constraints.R
- con_constraints_nonlinear_idx.R
- con_goric.R
- con_gorica_est.R
- con_gorica_est_summary.R
- con_goric_penalty.R
- con_iht.R
- con_incomplete.R
- con_loglik.R
- con_partable.R
- con_pbar.R
- con_pvalue.R
- con_sandwich.R
- con_solver.R
- con_weights.R
- evSyn.R
- Gaussian_Elimination.R
- goric_print.R
- goric_summary.R
- is_closed_convex_cone.R
- restriktor.R
- restriktor_print.R
- restriktor_print_summary.R
- restriktor_summary.R
- utilities.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: restriktor
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