R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- Burr()
- cEPD()
- cExpQQ()
- cgenHill()
- cGPD()
- cHill()
- cLognormalQQ()
- cMoment()
- cParetoQQ()
- cProb()
- cProbEPD()
- cProbGH()
- cProbGPD()
- cProbMOM()
- cQuant()
- cQuantGH()
- cQuantGPD()
- cQuantMOM()
- crHill()
- crParetoQQ()
- crSurv()
- CTE()
- cWeibullQQ()
- EPD()
- EPDfit()
- EPdist()
- EVTfit()
- ExcessEPD()
- ExcessGPD()
- ExcessPareto()
- ExcessSplice()
- ExpQQ()
- Frechet()
- genHill()
- genQQ()
- GPD()
- GPDfit()
- GPDmle()
- GPDresiduals()
- Hill.kopt()
- Hill()
- Hill2oQV()
- icHill()
- icParetoQQ()
- KaplanMeier()
- LognormalQQ()
- LognormalQQ_der()
- LStail()
- MeanExcess()
- MeanExcess_TB()
- MEfit()
- Moment()
- norwegianfire()
- Pareto()
- ParetoQQ()
- ParetoQQ_der()
- pClas()
- pEdge()
- pGC()
- Prob()
- ProbEPD()
- ProbGH()
- ProbGPD()
- ProbMOM()
- ProbReg()
- Quant()
- Quant2o()
- QuantGH()
- QuantGPD()
- QuantMOM()
- QuantReg()
- Scale.2o()
- Scale()
- ScaleEPD()
- ScaleReg()
- secura()
- soa()
- Splice()
- SpliceECDF()
- SpliceFit()
- SpliceFitGPD()
- SpliceFiticPareto()
- SpliceFitPareto()
- SpliceLL()
- SpliceLL_TB()
- SplicePP()
- SplicePP_TB()
- SpliceQQ()
- SpliceQQ_TB()
- SpliceTB()
- stdf()
- tBurr()
- tExp()
- tFrechet()
- tGPD()
- tlnorm()
- tPareto()
- trDT()
- trDTMLE()
- trEndpoint()
- trEndpointMLE()
- trHill()
- trMLE()
- trParetoQQ()
- trProb()
- trProbMLE()
- trQuant()
- trQuantMLE()
- trTest()
- trTestMLE()
- Turnbull()
- tWeibull()
- VaR()
- WeibullQQ()
- WeibullQQ_der()
R Codes
- Approximations.R
- Censoring.R
- Censoring_PQ.R
- CensRegression.R
- cEPD.R
- Cpp_export.R
- Distributions.R
- GenHill.R
- Hill.R
- Hill2oQV.R
- IntervalCensoring.R
- LStail.R
- ME.R
- Moment.R
- QQplots.R
- Raux.R
- RcppExports.R
- Regression.R
- RiskMeasures.R
- Scale.R
- Splicing.R
- Splicing_EM.R
- Splicing_plots.R
- stdf.R
- Truncation.R
- TruncationMLE.R
- Turnbull_KM.R
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