R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- amount.held()
- amount.target()
- as.list()
- AttributeSpace-class()
- AttributeSpace()
- AttributeSpaces-class()
- AttributeSpaces()
- basemap()
- blank.raster()
- cache()
- calcBoundaryData()
- calcSpeciesAverageInPus()
- casestudy_data()
- convert2PolySet()
- DemandPoints-class()
- DemandPoints()
- dp.subset()
- GurobiOpts-class()
- GurobiOpts()
- is.cached()
- is.comparable()
- is.GurobiInstalled()
- logging.file()
- make.DemandPoints()
- make.RapData()
- ManualOpts-class()
- ManualOpts()
- maximum.targets()
- names()
- PlanningUnitPoints-class()
- PlanningUnitPoints()
- plot()
- PolySet-class()
- print()
- prob.subset()
- pu.subset()
- randomPoints()
- rap()
- RapData-class()
- RapData()
- RapOpts-class()
- RapReliableOpts-class()
- RapReliableOpts()
- RapResults-class()
- RapResults()
- RapSolved-class()
- RapSolved()
- raptr-deprecated()
- raptr()
- RapUnreliableOpts-class()
- RapUnreliableOpts()
- RapUnsolved-class()
- RapUnsolved()
- read.RapResults()
- rrap.proportion.held()
- score()
- selections()
- show()
- sim.pus()
- sim.space()
- sim.species()
- simulated_data()
- solve()
- SolverOpts-class()
- space.held()
- space.plot()
- space.target()
- spp.plot()
- spp.subset()
- summary()
- update()
- urap.proportion.held()
R Codes
- AttributeSpace.R
- AttributeSpaces.R
- calcBoundaryData.R
- calcSpeciesAverageInPus.R
- convert2PolySet.R
- data.R
- DemandPoints.R
- deprecated.R
- generics.R
- GurobiOpts.R
- ManualOpts.R
- misc.R
- package.R
- PlanningUnitPoints.R
- rap.R
- RapData.R
- RapReliableOpts.R
- RapResults.R
- RapSolved.R
- raptr-internal.R
- RapUnreliableOpts.R
- RapUnsolved.R
- RcppExports.R
- rrap.proportion.held.R
- sim.pus.R
- sim.space.R
- sim.species.R
- urap.proportion.held.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: raptr
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