R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- BrownianMotionModel()
- drawPhylProcess()
- estimate.evolutionary.model()
- fitch.mvsl()
- generate.model.setups()
- mvSLOUCH-internal()
- mvSLOUCH-package()
- mvslouchModel()
- ouchModel()
- OU_phylreg()
- OU_RSS()
- OU_xVz()
- parametric.bootstrap()
- phyltree_paths()
- plot.clustered_phylo()
- simulate_clustered_phylogeny()
- simulBMProcPhylTree()
- simulMVSLOUCHProcPhylTree()
- simulOUCHProcPhylTree()
- SummarizeBM()
- SummarizeMVSLOUCH()
- SummarizeOUCH()
R Codes
- bootstrap.R
- calls_to_matrixcalc.R
- ci.R
- estimBM.R
- estimGLSGC.R
- estimMAXLIK.R
- evolmodelest.R
- fitch.mvsl.R
- getESS.R
- loglik.R
- make.states.mvsl.R
- matrixexps.R
- matrixparametrizations.R
- modelparams.R
- modelparamssummary.R
- modelparamstransform.R
- OUphylregression.R
- phylgls.R
- PhyloSDEestim.R
- phyltree_paths.R
- precalcs.R
- regimes.R
- sdecovariancephyl.R
- sdemeanphyl.R
- sdemoments.R
- simulclustphyl.R
- simulVasicekproc.R
- simulVasicekprocphyl.R
- trees2slouch.mvsl.R
- wrappers.R
Selected R package: mvSLOUCH
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