R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AICc()
- arm.glm()
- BGweights()
- bootWeights()
- coefplot()
- cos2weights()
- data-Beetle()
- data-Cement()
- data-GPA()
- dredge()
- exprApply()
- get.models()
- ICs()
- jackknifeWeights()
- loo()
- manip-formula()
- merge.model.selection()
- model-utils()
- model.avg()
- model.sel()
- model.selectionject()
- MuMIn-package()
- nested()
- par.avg()
- pdredge()
- plot.model.selection()
- predict.averaging()
- QAIC()
- QIC()
- r.squaredGLMM()
- r.squaredLR()
- stackingWeights()
- std.coef()
- stdize()
- subset.model.selection()
- sumofweights()
- supported-classes()
- updateable()
- Weights()
R Codes
- AICc.R
- arm.glm.R
- class-cplm.R
- class-gamlss.R
- class-gamm.R
- class-glmmADMB.R
- class-glmmTMB.R
- class-mark.R
- class-unmarkedFit.R
- class-wgee.R
- coeffs.R
- coefplot.R
- coefTable.R
- Cp.R
- desaturate.R
- dredge.R
- ext.R
- formulas.R
- get.models.R
- get.response.R
- getAllTerms.R
- getModelArgs.R
- glm_fit.R
- init.R
- is.R
- loo.R
- makeArgs.R
- matchCoef.R
- methods-averaging.R
- methods-logLik.R
- methods-nobs.R
- methods-predict.R
- methods-xtable.R
- model.avg.R
- model.names.R
- model.sel.R
- model.selection.R
- modify.model.selection.R
- nested.R
- par.avg.R
- pdredge.R
- plot.model.selection.R
- predict.averaging.R
- predict.R
- print.model.selection.R
- progbar.R
- quasiLik.R
- r.squaredGLMM-helper-fn.R
- r.squaredGLMM2.R
- r.squaredLR.R
- rbind.model.selection.R
- simulateData.R
- std.coef.R
- stdize.R
- substitution.R
- sumofweights.R
- termdeps.R
- umf_specs.R
- unfckme.R
- updateable.R
- utils-debug.R
- utils-misc.R
- utils-models.R
- weights-bg.R
- weights-boot.R
- weights-cos2.R
- weights-jackknife.R
- weights-stacking.R
- Weights.R
Selected R package: MuMIn
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