R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add.df.covar.line()
- adj.check.order()
- AIC.ddf()
- apex.gamma()
- assign.default.values()
- assign.par()
- average.line.cond()
- average.line()
- book.tee.data()
- calc.se.Np()
- cdf.ds()
- cds()
- check.bounds()
- check.mono()
- coef.ds()
- compute.Nht()
- covered.region.dht()
- create.bins()
- create.command.file()
- create.ddfobj()
- create.model.frame()
- create.varstructure()
- ddf.ds()
- ddf.gof()
- ddf.io.fi()
- ddf.io()
- ddf()
- ddf.rem.fi()
- ddf.rem()
- ddf.trial.fi()
- ddf.trial()
- DeltaMethod()
- det.tables()
- detfct.fit()
- detfct.fit.opt()
- dht.deriv()
- dht()
- dht.se()
- distpdf()
- ds.function()
- flnl()
- flt.var()
- g0()
- getpar()
- gof.ds()
- gstdint()
- histline()
- integratedetfct.logistic()
- integratelogistic.analytic()
- integratepdf()
- io.glm()
- is.linear.logistic()
- is.logistic.constant()
- keyfct.th1()
- keyfct.th2()
- keyfct.tpn()
- lfbcvi()
- lfgcwa()
- logisticbyx()
- logisticbyz()
- logisticdetfct()
- logisticdupbyx()
- logisticdupbyx_fast()
- logit()
- logLik.ddf()
- mcds()
- mcds_dot_exe()
- mrds-package()
- mrds_opt()
- NCovered()
- nlminb_wrapper()
- p.det()
- p.dist.table()
- parse.optimx()
- pdot.dsr.integrate.logistic()
- plot.det.tables()
- plot.ds()
- plot.io.fi()
- plot.io()
- plot.rem.fi()
- plot.rem()
- plot.trial.fi()
- plot.trial()
- plot_cond()
- plot_layout()
- plot_uncond()
- predict.ds()
- print.ddf.gof()
- print.ddf()
- print.det.tables()
- print.dht()
- print.p_dist_table()
- print.summary.ds()
- print.summary.io.fi()
- print.summary.io()
- print.summary.rem.fi()
- print.summary.rem()
- print.summary.trial.fi()
- print.summary.trial()
- prob.deriv()
- prob.se()
- process.data()
- pronghorn()
- ptdata.distance()
- ptdata.dual()
- ptdata.removal()
- ptdata.single()
- qqplot.ddf()
- rem.glm()
- rescale_pars()
- sample_ddf()
- setbounds()
- setcov()
- setinitial.ds()
- sim.mix()
- solvecov()
- stake77()
- stake78()
- summary.ds()
- summary.io.fi()
- summary.io()
- summary.rem.fi()
- summary.rem()
- summary.trial.fi()
- summary.trial()
- survey.region.dht()
- test.breaks()
- varn()
R Codes
- add.df.covar.line.R
- adj.check.order.R
- adjfct.cos.R
- adjfct.herm.R
- adjfct.poly.R
- apex.gamma.R
- assign.default.values.R
- assign.par.R
- average.line.cond.R
- average.line.R
- calc.se.Np.R
- cdf.ds.R
- cds.R
- check.bounds.R
- check.mono.R
- coef.ds.R
- coef.io.fi.R
- coef.io.R
- coef.rem.fi.R
- coef.rem.R
- coef.trial.fi.R
- coef.trial.R
- compute.Nht.R
- covered.region.dht.R
- create.bins.R
- create.ddfobj.R
- create.model.frame.R
- create.varstructure.R
- ddf.ds.R
- ddf.gof.R
- ddf.io.fi.R
- ddf.io.R
- ddf.R
- ddf.rem.fi.R
- ddf.rem.R
- ddf.trial.fi.R
- ddf.trial.R
- DeltaMethod.R
- det.tables.R
- detfct.fit.mono.R
- detfct.fit.opt.R
- detfct.fit.R
- detfct.R
- dht.deriv.R
- dht.R
- dht.se.R
- fixform.R
- flnl.R
- flt.var.R
- g0.R
- getpar.R
- gof.ds.R
- gof.io.fi.R
- gof.io.R
- gof.pvalues.R
- gof.rem.fi.R
- gof.rem.R
- gof.trial.fi.R
- gof.trial.R
- gstdint.R
- hermite.poly.R
- histline.R
- integratedetfct.logistic.R
- integratelogistic.analytic.R
- integratelogistic.R
- integratelogisticdup.R
- io.glm.R
- is.linear.logistic.R
- is.logistic.constant.R
- keyfct.gamma.R
- keyfct.hn.R
- keyfct.hz.R
- keyfct.th.R
- keyfct.tpn.R
- logisticbyx.R
- logisticbyz.R
- logisticdetfct.R
- logisticdupbyx.R
- logisticdupbyx_fast.R
- logit.R
- logLik.R
- mcds.R
- mcds_tools.R
- model.description.R
- mrds-package.R
- NCovered.ds.R
- NCovered.io.fi.R
- NCovered.io.R
- NCovered.R
- NCovered.rem.fi.R
- NCovered.rem.R
- NCovered.trial.fi.R
- NCovered.trial.R
- nlminb_wrapper.R
- optimx.setup.R
- p.det.R
- p.dist.table.R
- parse.optimx.R
- pcramer.R
- pdot.dsr.integrate.logistic.R
- plot.det.tables.R
- plot.ds.R
- plot.io.fi.R
- plot.io.R
- plot.rem.fi.R
- plot.rem.R
- plot.trial.fi.R
- plot.trial.R
- plot_cond.R
- plot_layout.R
- plot_uncond.R
- predict.ds.R
- predict.io.fi.R
- predict.io.R
- predict.rem.fi.R
- predict.rem.R
- predict.trial.fi.R
- predict.trial.R
- print.ddf.gof.R
- print.ddf.R
- print.det.tables.R
- print.dht.R
- print.summary.ds.R
- print.summary.io.fi.R
- print.summary.io.R
- print.summary.rem.fi.R
- print.summary.rem.R
- print.summary.trial.fi.R
- print.summary.trial.R
- prob.deriv.R
- prob.se.R
- process.data.R
- qqplot.ddf.R
- rem.glm.R
- rescale_pars.R
- sample_ddf.R
- scalecheck.R
- scalevalue.R
- setbounds.R
- setcov.R
- sethazard.R
- setinitial.ds.R
- sim.mix.R
- solvecov.R
- summary.ds.R
- summary.io.fi.R
- summary.io.R
- summary.rem.fi.R
- summary.rem.R
- summary.trial.fi.R
- summary.trial.R
- survey.region.dht.R
- test.breaks.R
- varn.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: mrds
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