R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- abbey()
- accdeaths()
- addterm()
- Aids2()
- Animals()
- anorexia()
- anova.negbin()
- area()
- bacteria()
- bandwidth.nrd()
- bcv()
- beav1()
- beav2()
- biopsy()
- birthwt()
- Boston()
- boxcox()
- cabbages()
- caith()
- Cars93()
- cats()
- cement()
- chem()
- con2tr()
- confint()
- contr.sdif()
- coop()
- corresp()
- cov.rob()
- cov.trob()
- cpus()
- crabs()
- Cushings()
- DDT()
- deaths()
- denumerate()
- dose.p()
- drivers()
- dropterm()
- eagles()
- epil()
- eqscplot()
- farms()
- fgl()
- fitdistr()
- forbes()
- fractions()
- GAGurine()
- galaxies()
- gamma.dispersion()
- gamma.shape.glm()
- gehan()
- genotype()
- geyser()
- gilgais()
- ginv()
- glm.convert()
- glm.nb()
- glmmPQL()
- hills()
- hist.scott()
- housing()
- huber()
- hubers()
- immer()
- Insurance()
- isoMDS()
- kde2d()
- lda()
- ldahist()
- leuk()
- lm.gls()
- lm.ridge()
- loglm()
- loglm1()
- logtrans()
- lqs()
- mammals()
- MASS-internal()
- mca()
- mcycle()
- Melanoma()
- menarche()
- michelson()
- minn38()
- motors()
- muscle()
- mvrnorm()
- negative.binomial()
- newcomb()
- nlschools()
- npk()
- npr1()
- Null()
- oats()
- OME()
- painters()
- pairs.lda()
- parcoord()
- petrol()
- phones()
- Pima.tr()
- plot.lda()
- plot.mca()
- plot.profile()
- polr()
- predict.glmmPQL()
- predict.lda()
- predict.lqs()
- predict.mca()
- predict.qda()
- profile.glm()
- qda()
- quine()
- Rabbit()
- rational()
- renumerate()
- rlm()
- rms.curv()
- rnegbin()
- road()
- rotifer()
- Rubber()
- sammon()
- ships()
- shoes()
- shrimp()
- shuttle()
- Sitka()
- Sitka89()
- Skye()
- snails()
- SP500()
- stdres()
- steam()
- stepAIC()
- stormer()
- studres()
- summary.loglm()
- summary.negbin()
- summary.rlm()
- survey()
- synth.tr()
- theta.md()
- topo()
- Traffic()
- truehist()
- ucv()
- UScereal()
- UScrime()
- VA()
- waders()
- whiteside()
- width.SJ()
- write.matrix()
- wtloss()
R Codes
- add.R
- area.R
- boxcox.R
- confint.R
- contr.sdif.R
- corresp.R
- cov.trob.R
- dose.p.R
- enlist.R
- eqscplot.R
- fitdistr.R
- fractions.R
- gamma.shape.R
- glmmPQL.R
- hist.scott.R
- huber.R
- hubers.R
- isoMDS.R
- kde2d.R
- lda.R
- lm.gls.R
- lm.ridge.R
- loglm.R
- logtrans.R
- lqs.R
- mca.R
- misc.R
- mvrnorm.R
- neg.bin.R
- negbin.R
- negexp.R
- parcoord.R
- polr.R
- profiles.R
- qda.R
- rlm.R
- rms.curv.R
- sammon.R
- stdres.R
- stepAIC.R
- truehist.R
- ucv.R
- write.matrix.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: MASS
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