R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- as.im()
- as.linnet.SpatialLines()
- as.owin()
- as.ppp()
- as.psp()
- as.SpatialPolygons.tess()
- asciigrid()
- CCmaps()
- checkPolygonsHoles()
- ContourLines2SLDF()
- dotsInPolys()
- elide-methods()
- gcDestination()
- getKMLcoordinates()
- GE_SpatialGrid()
- gzAzimuth()
- holepolys()
- kmlLine()
- kmlLines()
- kmlOverlay()
- kmlPoints()
- kmlPolygon()
- kmlPolygons()
- leglabs()
- map2SpatialPolygons()
- maptools-deprecated()
- nearestPointOnLine()
- nearestPointOnSegment()
- nowrapRecenter()
- nowrapSpatialLines()
- pal2SpatialPolygons()
- ppp()
- readGPS()
- readSplus()
- Rgshhs()
- snapPointsToLines()
- sp2Mondrian()
- sp2tmap()
- sp2WB()
- SpatialLines2PolySet()
- SpatialLinesMidPoints()
- spCbind-methods()
- SplashDams()
- spRbind-methods()
- state.vbm()
- sun-methods()
- symbolsInPolys()
- thinnedSpatialPoly()
- unionSpatialPolygons()
- wrld_simpl()
R Codes
- as.linnet.SL.R
- asciigrid.R
- azimuth.R
- CCmaps.R
- checkHoles.R
- colslegs.R
- dotsinpolys.R
- DP.R
- elide.R
- gc_dist.R
- getKMLcoordinates.R
- GE_png.R
- kmlLine.R
- kmlLines.R
- kmlPoints.R
- kmlPolygon.R
- kmlPolygons.R
- lineLabel.R
- maptools.R
- maptoolsChanges.R
- midpoint.R
- nowrapRecenter.R
- pcent.R
- plot.Map.R
- point.in.polygon.R
- pointLabelBase.R
- pointLabelLattice.R
- point_line_distance.R
- readGPS.R
- readSplus.R
- Rgshhs.R
- shapelib.R
- sp2Mondrian.R
- SP2owin.R
- sp2pbs.R
- sp2tmap.R
- sp2WB.R
- Spatial-methods.R
- SpatialLines-methods.R
- SpatialPoints-methods.R
- SpatialPolys-methods.R
- spatstat1.R
- spmaps.R
- sp_bind.R
- sp_spat1.R
- sp_tools.R
- subset.R
- sun-methods.R
- sun.R
- union.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: maptools
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