R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- backwardSearch()
- calcMetaPower()
- calculateROC()
- calculateScore()
- checkDataObject()
- classFunction()
- cleanUpPheno()
- coconutMetaIntegrator()
- ens_ensgID_table()
- ens_entrez_table()
- filterGenes()
- forestPlot()
- forwardSearch()
- geneSymbolCorrection()
- getGEOData()
- getMostRecentFilter()
- getSampleLevelGeneData()
- ggForestPlot()
- heatmapPlot()
- immunoStatesDecov()
- immunoStatesGenePropCorr()
- immunoStatesMatrix()
- immunoStatesMeta()
- imputeSex()
- lincsBaitCorr()
- lincsCorrelate()
- lincsTools()
- manhattanPlot()
- metaIntegrator_public-package()
- multiplePRCPlot()
- multipleROCPlot()
- pooledROCPlot()
- prcPlot()
- predvalPlot()
- regressionPlot()
- rocPlot()
- runMetaAnalysis()
- subsetOriginalData()
- summarizeFilterResults()
- summaryROCCalc()
- summaryROCPlot()
- tinyMetaObject()
- ucsc_genbank_table()
- ucsc_refseq_table()
- violinPlot()
R Codes
- calculatePower.R
- calculateScore.R
- checkDataObject.R
- checkDataObject_functions.R
- classFunction.R
- cleanUpPheno.R
- coconutMetaIntegrator.R
- filterGenes.R
- forestPlot.R
- geneSymbolCorrection.R
- getGEOData.R
- getMostRecentFilter.R
- getSampleLevelGeneData.R
- ggForestPlot.R
- heatmapPlot.R
- immunoStates.R
- immunoStatesMeta.R
- imputeSex.R
- lincsTools.R
- manhattanPlot.R
- metaAnalysis.R
- metaAnalysisFoundation.R
- multiplePRCPlot.R
- multipleROCPlot.R
- pooledROCplot.R
- prcPlot.R
- predvalPlot.R
- regressionPlot.R
- ROC_and_search_functions.R
- runMetaAnalysis.R
- subsetOriginalData.R
- summarizeFilterResults.R
- summaryROCPlot.R
- violinPlot.R
Selected R package: MetaIntegrator
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