R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AdaBagModel()
- AdaBoostModel()
- as.data.frame()
- as.MLInput()
- as.MLModel()
- BARTMachineModel()
- BARTModel()
- BlackBoostModel()
- C50Model()
- calibration()
- case_weights()
- CForestModel()
- combine-methods()
- confusion()
- CoxModel()
- dependence()
- diff-methods()
- DiscreteVariate()
- EarthModel()
- expand_model()
- expand_modelgrid-methods()
- expand_params()
- expand_steps()
- extract-methods()
- FDAModel()
- fit-methods()
- GAMBoostModel()
- GBMModel()
- GLMBoostModel()
- GLMModel()
- GLMNetModel()
- ICHomes()
- inputs()
- KNNModel()
- LARSModel()
- LDAModel()
- lift()
- LMModel()
- MachineShop-package()
- MDAModel()
- metricinfo()
- metrics()
- MLControl()
- MLMetric()
- MLModel()
- ModelFrame-methods()
- modelinfo()
- models()
- ModelSpecification-methods()
- NaiveBayesModel()
- NNetModel()
- ParameterGrid()
- ParsnipModel()
- performance()
- performance_curve()
- plot-methods()
- PLSModel()
- POLRModel()
- predict()
- print-methods()
- QDAModel()
- quote()
- RandomForestModel()
- RangerModel()
- recipe_roles()
- reexports()
- resample-methods()
- response-methods()
- rfe-methods()
- RFSRCModel()
- RPartModel()
- SelectedInput()
- SelectedModel()
- settings()
- set_monitor-methods()
- set_optim-methods()
- set_predict()
- set_strata()
- StackedModel()
- step_kmeans()
- step_kmedoids()
- step_lincomp()
- step_sbf()
- step_spca()
- summary-methods()
- SuperModel()
- SurvMatrix()
- SurvRegModel()
- SVMModel()
- t.test()
- TreeModel()
- TunedInput()
- TunedModel()
- TuningGrid()
- unMLModelFit()
- varimp()
- XGBModel()
R Codes
- append.R
- calibration.R
- case_comps.R
- classes.R
- coerce.R
- combine.R
- conditions.R
- confusion.R
- convert.R
- data.R
- dependence.R
- diff.R
- expand.R
- extract.R
- fit.R
- grid.R
- MachineShop-package.R
- metricinfo.R
- metrics.R
- metrics_factor.R
- metrics_numeric.R
- MLControl.R
- MLInput.R
- MLMetric.R
- MLModel.R
- MLOptimization.R
- ML_AdaBagModel.R
- ML_AdaBoostModel.R
- ML_BARTMachineModel.R
- ML_BARTModel.R
- ML_BlackBoostModel.R
- ML_C50Model.R
- ML_CForestModel.R
- ML_CoxModel.R
- ML_EarthModel.R
- ML_FDAModel.R
- ML_GAMBoostModel.R
- ML_GBMModel.R
- ML_GLMBoostModel.R
- ML_GLMModel.R
- ML_GLMNetModel.R
- ML_KNNModel.R
- ML_LARSModel.R
- ML_LDAModel.R
- ML_LMModel.R
- ML_MDAModel.R
- ML_NaiveBayesModel.R
- ML_NNetModel.R
- ML_ParsnipModel.R
- ML_PLSModel.R
- ML_POLRModel.R
- ML_QDAModel.R
- ML_RandomForestModel.R
- ML_RangerModel.R
- ML_RPartModel.R
- ML_StackedModel.R
- ML_SuperModel.R
- ML_SurvRegModel.R
- ML_SVMModel.R
- ML_TreeModel.R
- ML_XGBModel.R
- ModelFrame.R
- modelinfo.R
- ModelRecipe.R
- models.R
- ModelSpecification.R
- performance.R
- performance_curve.R
- plot.R
- predict.R
- print.R
- recipe_roles.R
- reexports.R
- resample.R
- response.R
- rfe.R
- settings.R
- step_kmeans.R
- step_kmedoids.R
- step_lincomp.R
- step_sbf.R
- step_spca.R
- summary.R
- survival.R
- TrainedInputs.R
- TrainedModels.R
- TrainingParams.R
- utils.R
- varimp.R
Selected R package: MachineShop
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