R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- All()
- AllObs()
- Arguments()
- coef_rename()
- colLabels()
- config_modelsummary()
- datasummary()
- datasummary_balance()
- datasummary_correlation()
- datasummary_correlation_format()
- datasummary_crosstab()
- datasummary_df()
- datasummary_skim()
- DropEmpty()
- dsummary()
- dvnames()
- escape_html()
- escape_latex()
- escape_string()
- Factor()
- fmt_decimal()
- fmt_sci()
- fmt_significant()
- fmt_sprintf()
- fmt_statistic()
- fmt_term()
- Format()
- get_estimates()
- get_gof()
- get_gof_broom()
- get_gof_parameters()
- get_vcov.mlm()
- get_vcov()
- glance_custom()
- glance_custom_internal.default()
- glance_custom_internal.lm()
- glance_custom_internal()
- gof_map()
- Heading()
- Histogram()
- hush()
- labelSubset()
- map_estimates()
- map_gof()
- Max()
- Mean()
- Median()
- Min()
- modelplot()
- modelsummary()
- modelsummary_wide()
- msummary()
- Multicolumn()
- N()
- Ncol()
- NPercent()
- NUnique()
- P0()
- P25()
- P50()
- P75()
- P100()
- Paste()
- Percent()
- PercentMissing()
- PlusMinus()
- reexports()
- RowFactor()
- rowLabels()
- RowNum()
- SD()
- supported_models()
- tidy_custom()
- tidy_custom_internal.default()
- tidy_custom_internal()
- update_modelsummary()
- Var()
R Codes
- bind_est_gof.R
- coef_rename.R
- config_modelsummary.R
- convenience.R
- datasummary.R
- datasummary_balance.R
- datasummary_correlation.R
- datasummary_crosstab.R
- datasummary_df.R
- datasummary_extract.R
- datasummary_functions.R
- datasummary_skim.R
- dvnames.R
- escape.R
- factory.R
- factory_dataframe.R
- factory_DT.R
- factory_flextable.R
- factory_gt.R
- factory_huxtable.R
- factory_kableExtra.R
- factory_markdown.R
- factory_typst.R
- fmt_factory.R
- format_estimates.R
- format_gof.R
- format_msg.R
- get_estimates.R
- get_gof.R
- get_vcov.R
- glance_custom.R
- gof_map.R
- hush.R
- map_estimates.R
- map_gof.R
- methods_did.R
- methods_estimatr.R
- methods_fixest.R
- methods_lfe.R
- methods_stats.R
- modelplot.R
- modelsummary.R
- modelsummary_list.R
- modelsummary_rbind.R
- modelsummary_wide.R
- poorman.R
- reexport.R
- rename_statistics.R
- sanitize_conf_level.R
- sanitize_fmt.R
- sanitize_gof_map.R
- sanitize_models.R
- sanitize_output.R
- sanitize_shape.R
- sanitize_statistic.R
- sanitize_vcov.R
- sanity_checks.R
- settings.R
- shape_estimates.R
- span.R
- stars.R
- supported_models.R
- themes.R
- tidy_custom.R
- update_modelsummary.R
- utils_labels.R
- utils_pad.R
- utils_print.R
- utils_replace.R
- utils_stats.R
- utils_warn.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: modelsummary
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