R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addpoly.default()
- addpoly()
- addpoly.predict.rma()
- addpoly.rma()
- aggregate.escalc()
- anova.rma()
- baujat()
- bldiag()
- blsplit()
- blup()
- coef.permutest.rma.uni()
- coef.rma()
- confint.rma()
- contrmat()
- conv.2x2()
- conv.delta()
- conv.fivenum()
- conv.wald()
- cumul()
- dfround()
- emmprep()
- escalc()
- fitstats()
- fitted.rma()
- forest.cumul.rma()
- forest.default()
- forest()
- forest.rma()
- formatters()
- formula.rma()
- fsn()
- funnel()
- gosh()
- hc()
- influence.rma.mv()
- influence.rma.uni()
- labbe()
- leave1out()
- llplot()
- matreg()
- metafor-package()
- metafor.news()
- methods.anova.rma()
- methods.confint.rma()
- methods.escalc()
- methods.list.rma()
- methods.matreg()
- methods.vif.rma()
- mfopt()
- misc-models()
- misc-options()
- misc-recs()
- model.matrix.rma()
- permutest()
- plot.cumul.rma()
- plot.gosh.rma()
- plot.infl.rma.uni()
- plot.permutest.rma.uni()
- plot.rma()
- plot.rma.uni.selmodel()
- plot.vif.rma()
- predict.rma()
- print.anova.rma()
- print.confint.rma()
- print.escalc()
- print.fsn()
- print.gosh.rma()
- print.hc.rma.uni()
- print.list.rma()
- print.matreg()
- print.permutest.rma.uni()
- print.ranktest.rma()
- print.regtest.rma()
- print.rma()
- profile.rma()
- qqnorm.rma()
- radial()
- ranef()
- ranktest()
- rcalc()
- regplot()
- regtest()
- replmiss()
- reporter()
- residuals.rma()
- rma.glmm()
- rma.mh()
- rma.mv()
- rma.peto()
- rma.uni()
- robust()
- selmodel()
- simulate.rma()
- tes()
- to.long()
- to.table()
- to.wide()
- transf()
- trimfill()
- update.rma()
- vcalc()
- vcov.rma()
- vec2mat()
- vif()
- weights.rma()
R Codes
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Selected R package: metafor
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