R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ALE.gam()
- ALE()
- check.gamViz()
- check0D()
- check1D()
- check2D()
- fix.family.cdf()
- gammV()
- gamV()
- getGam()
- getViz()
- gridPrint()
- listLayers()
- l_bound()
- l_ciBar()
- l_ciLine()
- l_ciPoly()
- l_clusterLine()
- l_coordContour()
- l_dens1D()
- l_dens2D()
- l_densCheck()
- l_fitBar()
- l_fitContour()
- l_fitDens()
- l_fitLine()
- l_fitPoints()
- l_fitRaster()
- l_glyphs2D()
- l_gridCheck1D()
- l_gridCheck2D()
- l_gridQCheck1D()
- l_gridQCheck2D()
- l_hist()
- l_points()
- l_poly()
- l_pvContour()
- l_pvRaster()
- l_rug()
- l_simLine()
- l_vline()
- mqgamV()
- plot.ALE1D()
- plot.fs.interaction.1D()
- plot.gamViz()
- plot.mgamViz()
- plot.mgcv.smooth.1D()
- plot.mgcv.smooth.2D()
- plot.mgcv.smooth.MD()
- plot.mrf.smooth()
- plot.ptermFactor()
- plot.ptermInteraction()
- plot.ptermNumeric()
- plot.random.effect()
- plot.sos.smooth()
- plotDiff.mgcv.smooth.1D()
- plotDiff.mgcv.smooth.2D()
- plotDiff()
- plotDiff.sos.smooth()
- plotRGL.mgcv.smooth.2D()
- plotRGL.mgcv.smooth.MD()
- plotRGL()
- plotSlice()
- postSim()
- print.checkGam()
- print.plotGam()
- print.plotSmooth()
- print.qqGam()
- pterm()
- qgamV()
- qq.gamViz()
- qq()
- qqplots()
- residuals.gamViz()
- shine()
- shine.qqGam()
- simulate.gam()
- sm()
- zoom()
- zoom.qqGam()
- zto1()
R Codes
- add.R
- ALE_gam.R
- bamV.R
- bin1D.R
- check0D.R
- check1D.R
- check2D.R
- check_gamViz.R
- fix_family_cdf.R
- gamm4V.R
- gammV.R
- gamV.R
- generic_functions.R
- getGam.R
- getViz.R
- gridPrint.R
- I_argMaster.R
- I_argSetup.R
- I_compute_qq_gam.R
- I_createP.R
- I_detNumPages.R
- I_discretize_qq_gam.R
- I_extractSeveralEffects.R
- I_fastKernDens.R
- I_getDataTypeY.R
- I_getGlyData.R
- I_getresidualsTransformSubsample.R
- I_getResTypeAndMethod.R
- I_initialize.R
- I_jacobian_wrap.R
- I_lolaxy.R
- I_mapVarClass.R
- I_multinomJacobian.R
- I_plotDiffFit.R
- I_plot_qq_gam.R
- I_prepare.mgcv.smooth.R
- I_prepareInnerSI.R
- I_prepareNested.R
- I_prepareP.R
- I_preparePlotSmooth1D.R
- I_preparePlotSmooth2D.R
- I_preparePlotSmoothMD.R
- I_prepare_ALE.R
- I_prepare_fs_interaction.R
- I_prepare_mrf_smooth.R
- I_prepare_random_effect.R
- I_prepare_sos_smooth.R
- I_repole.R
- I_simpleCap.R
- listLayers.R
- L_bound.R
- L_ciBar.R
- L_ciLine.R
- L_ciPoly.R
- L_clusterLine.R
- L_coordContour.R
- L_dens1D.R
- L_dens2D.R
- L_densCheck.R
- L_fitBar.R
- L_fitContour.R
- L_fitDens.R
- L_fitLine.R
- L_fitPoints.R
- L_fitRaster.R
- L_glyphs2D.R
- L_gridCheck1D.R
- L_gridCheck2D.R
- L_gridQCheck1D.R
- l_gridQCheck2D.R
- L_hist.R
- L_points.R
- L_poly.R
- L_pvContour.R
- L_pvRaster.R
- L_rug.R
- L_simLine.R
- L_vline.R
- mqgamV.R
- plot.ptermInteraction.R
- plot.ptermMatrixNumeric.R
- plotDiff_mgcv_smooth_1D.R
- plotDiff_mgcv_smooth_2D.R
- plotDiff_sos_smooth.R
- plotRGL_mgcv_smooth_2D.R
- plotRGL_mgcv_smooth_MD.R
- plotSlice.R
- plot_ALE1D.R
- plot_fs_interaction_1D.R
- plot_gamViz.R
- plot_mgamViz.R
- plot_mgcv_smooth_1D.R
- plot_mgcv_smooth_2D.R
- plot_mgcv_smooth_MD.R
- plot_mrf_smooth.R
- plot_multi_mgcv_smooth_1D.R
- plot_multi_mgcv_smooth_2D.R
- plot_multi_ptermFactor.R
- plot_multi_ptermInteraction.R
- plot_multi_ptermLogical.R
- plot_multi_ptermNumeric.R
- plot_multi_random_effect.R
- plot_ptermFactor.R
- plot_ptermLogical.R
- plot_ptermNumeric.R
- plot_random_effect.R
- plot_sos_smooth.R
- postSim.R
- print_checkGam.R
- print_plotGam.R
- print_plotSmooth.R
- print_qq_gam.R
- pterm.R
- qgamV.R
- qqplots.R
- qq_gamViz.R
- residuals_gamViz.R
- shine.qqGam.R
- simulate_gam.R
- sm.R
- utilities.R
- zoom_qqGam.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: mgcViz
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