R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- acc()
- ae()
- ape()
- auc()
- bacc()
- bbrier()
- bias()
- binary_params()
- ce()
- classif_params()
- confusion_matrix()
- dor()
- fbeta()
- fdr()
- fn()
- fnr()
- fomr()
- fp()
- fpr()
- jaccard()
- ktau()
- logloss()
- mae()
- mape()
- mauc_aunu()
- maxae()
- maxse()
- mbrier()
- mcc()
- measures()
- medae()
- medse()
- mlr3measures-package()
- mse()
- msle()
- npv()
- pbias()
- phi()
- ppv()
- prauc()
- rae()
- regr_params()
- rmse()
- rmsle()
- rrse()
- rse()
- rsq()
- sae()
- se()
- similarity_params()
- sle()
- smape()
- srho()
- sse()
- tn()
- tnr()
- tp()
- tpr()
- zero_one()
R Codes
- assertions.R
- bibentries.R
- binary_auc.R
- binary_bbrier.R
- binary_dor.R
- binary_fbeta.R
- binary_fdr.R
- binary_fn.R
- binary_fnr.R
- binary_fomr.R
- binary_fp.R
- binary_fpr.R
- binary_mcc.R
- binary_npv.R
- binary_ppv.R
- binary_prauc.R
- binary_tn.R
- binary_tnr.R
- binary_tp.R
- binary_tpr.R
- classif_acc.R
- classif_auc.R
- classif_bacc.R
- classif_ce.R
- classif_logloss.R
- classif_mbrier.R
- classif_zero_one.R
- confusion_matrix.R
- helper.R
- measures.R
- regr_ae.R
- regr_ape.R
- regr_bias.R
- regr_ktau.R
- regr_mae.R
- regr_mape.R
- regr_maxae.R
- regr_maxse.R
- regr_medae.R
- regr_medse.R
- regr_mse.R
- regr_msle.R
- regr_pbias.R
- regr_rae.R
- regr_rmse.R
- regr_rmsle.R
- regr_rrse.R
- regr_rse.R
- regr_rsq.R
- regr_sae.R
- regr_se.R
- regr_sle.R
- regr_smape.R
- regr_srho.R
- regr_sse.R
- roxygen.R
- similarity_jaccard.R
- similarity_phi.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: mlr3measures
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