R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_col_topic()
- animal_keywords()
- assign_topic()
- assign_topic_lda()
- biomarker_keywords()
- calculate_score_animals()
- calculate_score_biomarker()
- calculate_score_patients()
- calculate_score_topic()
- combine_df()
- combine_mir()
- combine_stopwords()
- compare_mir_count()
- compare_mir_count_log2()
- compare_mir_count_unique()
- compare_mir_terms()
- compare_mir_terms_log2()
- compare_mir_terms_scatter()
- compare_mir_terms_unique()
- count_mir()
- count_mir_threshold()
- count_snp()
- count_target()
- df_crc()
- df_mirtarbase()
- df_panc()
- df_test()
- extract_mir_df()
- extract_mir_string()
- extract_snp()
- fit_lda()
- generate_stopwords()
- get_distinct_mir_df()
- get_distinct_mir_vec()
- get_mir()
- get_pmid()
- get_shared_mir_df()
- get_shared_mir_vec()
- get_snp()
- indicate_mir()
- indicate_term()
- join_mirtarbase()
- join_targets()
- ngram_stopwords()
- patients_keywords()
- plot_lda_term()
- plot_mir_count()
- plot_mir_count_threshold()
- plot_mir_development()
- plot_mir_new()
- plot_mir_terms()
- plot_perplexity()
- plot_score_animals()
- plot_score_biomarker()
- plot_score_patients()
- plot_score_topic()
- plot_target_count()
- plot_target_mir_scatter()
- plot_wordcloud()
- read_pubmed()
- read_pubmed_jats()
- save_excel()
- save_plot()
- stopwords_2gram()
- stopwords_miretrieve()
- stopwords_pubmed()
- subset_df()
- subset_mir()
- subset_mir_threshold()
- subset_research()
- subset_review()
- subset_snp()
- subset_year()
R Codes
- animals_score.R
- assign_topic.R
- biomarker_score.R
- combine_mir.R
- compare_mir_count.R
- compare_mir_terms.R
- count_mir_perc_total_threshold_helper.R
- count_mir_single_topic.R
- count_mir_threshold.R
- detect_single_term.R
- df_crc.R
- df_mirtarbase.R
- df_operations_combine_addtopic_subsetmir.R
- df_panc.R
- df_test.R
- distinct_shared_mir.R
- extract_mir.R
- generate_stopwords.R
- get_mir_vec.R
- get_pmid.R
- globals.R
- helper_calculate_score.R
- helper_control_shared_mir.R
- join_mirtarbase.R
- join_targets.R
- lda_miretrieve.R
- load_and_save_files.R
- mirna_year_new_and_trend.R
- patients_score.R
- polymorphism.R
- prepare_make_dtm_helper.R
- pretty_breaks_helper.R
- self_made_topics.R
- stopwords_doc.R
- stopwords_ngram_roxygen.R
- subset_articles_review_year.R
- subset_mir.R
- target_mirna.R
- tfidf_words.R
- top_words_count_words_helper.R
- wordcloud.R
Selected R package: miRetrieve
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