R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ABH_pi0_est()
- adaptiveBH()
- adaptiveSTS()
- adjPValuesPlot()
- aorc()
- augmentation()
- BH()
- BL()
- BlaRoq()
- bonferroni()
- BR_pi0_est()
- BY()
- calculateBetaAdjustment()
- compareMutoss()
- ErrorControl()
- fisher22.marginal()
- fisher22_fast()
- fisher23.marginal()
- fisher23_fast()
- ftest.marginal()
- gao()
- gatherParameters()
- gatherStatistics()
- hochberg()
- holm()
- hommel()
- indepBR()
- jointCDF.orderedUnif()
- linearStepUp()
- mu.test.class()
- mu.test.name()
- mu.test.rates()
- mu.test.same.data()
- mu.test.type()
- multcomp.wrapper()
- multiple.down.adjust()
- multiple.down()
- mutoss.apply()
- mutoss.models()
- Mutoss()
- mutoss.plotCI()
- MutossMethod()
- notterman()
- nparcomp()
- nparcomp.wrapper()
- onesamp.marginal()
- oracleBH()
- paired.marginal()
- printRejected()
- pval2locfdr()
- pval2qval()
- pValuesPlot()
- Qvalue()
- ranktruncated()
- regwq()
- reject()
- requireLibrary()
- rom()
- SD()
- sidak()
- SidakSD()
- simulation()
- snk()
- storey_pi0_est()
- SU()
- SUD()
- TSBKY_pi0_est()
- tukey.wrapper()
- two.stage()
- twosamp.marginal()
- twostageBR()
R Codes
- Augmentation.R
- CompareObjects.R
- fisher.R
- gao.R
- helperfunctions.R
- Hommel.R
- localfdr.R
- marginal.R
- moreSUDprocedures.R
- multcomp.R
- multtest.R
- mutoss.plotCI.R
- mutossApply.R
- MuTossObject.R
- nparcomp1.R
- onLoad.R
- pi0Est.R
- Rank_Truncated.R
- simulationList.R
- SUDProcedures.R
- testFunctionsForTheGUI.R
- Tukey.R
- wrapperFunctions.R
Selected R package: mutoss
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