R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add.array()
- add.combi()
- add.diag()
- add.founder.kinship()
- alpha_to_beta()
- analyze.bv()
- analyze.population()
- bit.snps()
- bit.storing()
- breeding.diploid()
- breeding.intern()
- bv.development.box()
- bv.development()
- bv.standardization()
- calculate.bv()
- cattle_chip()
- check.parents()
- chicken_chip()
- clean.up()
- codeOriginsR()
- combine.traits()
- compute.costs.cohorts()
- compute.costs()
- compute.snps()
- compute.snps_single()
- creating.diploid()
- creating.phenotypic.transform()
- creating.trait()
- decodeOriginsR()
- demiraculix()
- derive.loop.elements()
- diag.mobps()
- edges.fromto()
- edit_animal()
- effect.estimate.add()
- effective.size()
- epi()
- ex_json()
- ex_pop()
- find.chromo()
- find.snpbefore()
- founder.simulation()
- generation.individual()
- get.admixture()
- get.age.point()
- get.bv()
- get.bve()
- get.class()
- get.cohorts()
- get.creating.type()
- get.cullingtime()
- get.database()
- get.death.point()
- get.dendrogram.heatmap()
- get.dendrogram()
- get.dendrogram.trait()
- get.distance()
- get.effect.freq()
- get.effective.size()
- get.geno()
- get.genotyped()
- get.genotyped.snp()
- get.haplo()
- get.id()
- get.individual.loc()
- get.infos()
- get.map()
- get.npheno()
- get.pca()
- get.pedigree()
- get.pedigree2()
- get.pedigree3()
- get.pedmap()
- get.pheno()
- get.pheno.off.count()
- get.pheno.off()
- get.phylogenetic.tree()
- get.qtl.effects()
- get.qtl()
- get.qtl.variance()
- get.recombi()
- get.reliabilities()
- get.selectionbve()
- get.selectionindex()
- get.time.point()
- get.vcf()
- group.diff()
- insert.bve()
- json.simulation()
- kinship.development()
- kinship.emp.fast()
- kinship.emp()
- kinship.exp()
- ld.decay()
- maize_chip()
- miesenberger.index()
- miraculix()
- mutation.intro()
- new.base.generation()
- OGC()
- pedigree.simulation()
- pedmap.to.phasedbeaglevcf()
- pig_chip()
- plot.population()
- set.class()
- set.default()
- sheep_chip()
- sortd()
- ssGBLUP()
- summary.population()
- vlist()
R Codes
- add.array.R
- add.combi.R
- add.diag.R
- add.founder.kinship.R
- analyze.bv.R
- analyze.population.R
- bitwise.storing.R
- breeding.diploid.R
- breeding.intern.R
- bv.development.box.R
- bv.development.R
- bv.standardization.R
- calculate.bv.R
- check.parents.R
- clean.up.R
- codeOriginsR.R
- combine.traits.R
- compute.costs.cohorts.R
- compute.costs.R
- compute.snps.R
- creating.diploid.R
- creating.phenotypic.transform.R
- creating.trait.R
- demiraculix.R
- derive.loop.elements.R
- diag.mobps.R
- edges.fromto.R
- edit.animal.R
- effect.estimate.add.R
- effective.size.R
- epi.R
- example.dataset.R
- find.chromo.R
- find.snpbefore.R
- founder.simulation.R
- generation.individual.R
- get.admixture.R
- get.age.point.R
- get.bv.R
- get.bve.R
- get.class.R
- get.cohorts.R
- get.creating.type.R
- get.cullingtime.R
- get.database.R
- get.death.point.R
- get.dendrogram.heatmap.R
- get.dendrogram.R
- get.dendrogram.trait.R
- get.distance.R
- get.effect.freq.R
- get.effective.size.R
- get.geno.R
- get.genotyped.R
- get.genotyped.snp.R
- get.haplo.R
- get.id.R
- get.individual.loc.R
- get.infos.R
- get.map.R
- get.npheno.R
- get.pca.R
- get.pedigree.R
- get.pedmap.R
- get.pheno.off.count.R
- get.pheno.off.R
- get.pheno.R
- get.phylogenetic.tree.R
- get.qtl.R
- get.recombi.R
- get.reliabilities.R
- get.selectionbve.R
- get.selectionindex.R
- get.time.point.R
- get.vcf.R
- group.diff.R
- insert.bve.R
- json.simulation.R
- kinship.development.R
- kinship.emp.R
- kinship.exp.store.R
- ld.decay.R
- miesenberger.index.R
- miraculix.R
- mutation.intro.R
- new.base.generation.R
- pedigree.simulation.R
- pedmap.to.phasedbeaglevcf.R
- plot.population.R
- set.class.R
- set.default.R
- sortd.R
- startup.R
- summary.population.R
- vlist.R
Selected R package: MoBPS
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