R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- averageObs()
- buildModelMatrix()
- collapseFrame()
- draw()
- expectedRank()
- famlink()
- fastdisp()
- FEsim()
- fetch.merMod.msgs()
- findFormFuns()
- fixef.merModList()
- formulaBuild()
- hasWeights()
- hsb()
- ICC()
- levelfun()
- merModList()
- merTools()
- mkNewReTrms()
- modelFixedEff()
- modelInfo()
- modelRandEffStats()
- plotFEsim()
- plotREsim()
- plot_sim_error_chks()
- predictInterval()
- print.merModList()
- print.summary.merModList()
- randomObs()
- ranef.merModList()
- REcorrExtract()
- REextract()
- REimpact()
- REmargins()
- reOnly()
- REquantile()
- REsdExtract()
- REsim()
- reTermCount()
- reTermNames()
- RHSForm()
- RMSE.merMod()
- sanitizeNames()
- setup_parallel()
- shinyMer()
- shuffle()
- stripAttributes()
- subBoot()
- subsetList()
- sum.mm()
- summary.merModList()
- superFactor()
- thetaExtract()
- VarCorr.merModList()
- wiggle()
R Codes
Selected R package: merTools
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