R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- applyThreshold()
- arrangePlots()
- AUC()
- Boyce()
- confusionLabel()
- confusionMatrix()
- Dsquared()
- evaluate()
- evenness()
- getBins()
- getModEqn()
- getThreshold()
- HLfit()
- inputMunch()
- lollipop()
- MESS()
- MillerCalib()
- mod2obspred()
- modEvA-package()
- modEvAmethods()
- multModEv()
- OA()
- optiPair()
- optiThresh()
- plotGLM()
- predDensity()
- predPlot()
- prevalence()
- ptsrast2obspred()
- quantReclass()
- range01()
- RMSE()
- rotif.mods()
- RsqGLM()
- similarity()
- standard01()
- threshMeasures()
- varImp()
- varPart()
R Codes
- applyThreshold.R
- arrangePlots.R
- Boyce.R
- confusionLabel.R
- confusionMatrix.R
- Dsquared.R
- evaluate.R
- evenness.R
- getBins.R
- getModEqn.R
- getThreshold.R
- HLfit.R
- inputMunch.R
- lollipop.R
- MillerCalib.R
- mod2obspred.R
- modEvA-internal.R
- modEvAmethods.R
- multModEv.R
- OA.R
- optiPair.R
- optiThresh.R
- plotGLM.R
- predDensity.R
- predPlot.R
- prevalence.R
- ptsrast2obspred.R
- quantReclass.R
- range01.R
- RsqGLM.R
- similarity.R
- standard01.R
- threshMeasures.R
- varImp.R
- varPart.R
Selected R package: modEvA
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