R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- codeToCountry()
- codeToState()
- convertEEZCountries()
- convertEPARegions()
- convertGACC()
- convertLayer()
- convertNaturalEarthAdm1()
- convertOSMTimezones()
- convertTMWorldBorders()
- convertUSCensusCBSA()
- convertUSCensusCongress()
- convertUSCensusCounties()
- convertUSCensusStates()
- convertWeatherZones()
- convertWikipediaTimezoneTable()
- countryToCode()
- dissolve()
- dot-removeSpatialDataDir()
- getCountry()
- getCountryCode()
- getCountryName()
- getPolygonID()
- getSpatialData()
- getSpatialDataDir()
- getState()
- getStateCode()
- getStateName()
- getTimezone()
- getUSCounty()
- getVariable()
- installedSpatialData()
- installSpatialData()
- iso2ToIso3()
- iso3ToIso2()
- loadSpatialData()
- MazamaSpatialUtils()
- pipe()
- setSpatialDataDir()
- SimpleCountries()
- SimpleCountriesEEZ()
- SimpleTimezones()
- simplify()
- simplifyAndSave()
- SpatialDataDir()
- stateToCode()
- summarizeByPolygon()
- US_52()
- US_countyCodes()
- US_countyConversion()
- US_stateCodes()
- US_stateConversion()
R Codes
- convertEEZCountries.R
- convertEPARegions.R
- convertGACC.R
- convertNaturalEarthAdm0.R
- convertNaturalEarthAdm1.R
- convertOSMTimezones.R
- convertTMWorldBorders.R
- convertUSCensusCBSA.R
- convertUSCensusCongress.R
- convertUSCensusCounties.R
- convertUSCensusStates.R
- convertWeatherZones.R
- convertWikipediaTimezoneTable.R
- data.R
- getCountry.R
- getCountryCode.R
- getCountryName.R
- getPolygonID.R
- getSpatialData.R
- getState.R
- getStateCode.R
- getStateName.R
- getTimezone.R
- getUSCounty.R
- getVariable.R
- installedSpatialData.R
- installSpatialData.R
- loadSpatialData.R
- MazamaSpatialUtils.R
- summarizeByPolygon.R
- US_countyConversion.R
- US_stateConversion.R
- utils-convert.R
- utils-pipe.R
Selected R package: MazamaSpatialUtils
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