R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- aalenfrailty()
- aalenMets()
- back2timereg()
- base1cumhaz()
- base4cumhaz()
- base44cumhaz()
- basehazplot.phreg()
- bicomprisk()
- BinAugmentCifstrata()
- binomial.twostage()
- binreg()
- binregATE()
- binregCasewise()
- binregG()
- binregTSR()
- biprobit()
- blocksample()
- bmt()
- Bootphreg()
- bptwin()
- casewise()
- casewise.test()
- cif()
- cifreg()
- ClaytonOakes()
- cluster.index()
- concordanceCor()
- cor.cif()
- count.history()
- covarianceRecurrent()
- daggregate()
- Dbvn()
- dby()
- dcor()
- dcut()
- dermalridges()
- dermalridgesMZ()
- diabetes()
- divide.conquer()
- divide.conquer.timereg()
- dlag()
- doubleFGR()
- dprint()
- drcumhaz()
- dreg()
- drelevel()
- dsort()
- dspline()
- dtable()
- dtransform()
- easy.binomial.twostage()
- Effbinreg()
- EVaddGam()
- eventpois()
- EventSplit()
- familycluster.index()
- familyclusterWithProbands.index()
- fast.approx()
- fast.pattern()
- fast.reshape()
- FG_AugmentCifstrata()
- ghaplos()
- gof.phreg()
- gofG.phreg()
- gofM.phreg()
- gofZ.phreg()
- Grandom.cif()
- hapfreqs()
- haplo.surv.discrete()
- haploX()
- internal()
- interval.logitsurv.discrete()
- ipw()
- ipw2()
- km()
- lifecourse()
- lifetable.matrix()
- LinSpline()
- logitSurv()
- mediatorSurv()
- medweight()
- melanoma()
- mena()
- mets-package()
- mets.options()
- migr()
- mlogit()
- multcif()
- np()
- phreg()
- phregR()
- phreg_IPTW()
- phreg_lt()
- plack.cif()
- pmvn()
- predict.phreg()
- print.casewise()
- prob.exceed.recurrent()
- prt()
- random.cif()
- rchaz()
- rchazC()
- rcrisk()
- recreg()
- recurrentMarginal()
- reexports()
- resmean.phreg()
- resmeanATE()
- resmeanIPCW()
- rpch()
- sim.cause.cox()
- sim.cif()
- sim.cox()
- simAalenFrailty()
- simClaytonOakes()
- simClaytonOakesWei()
- simMultistate()
- simRecurrentII()
- simRecurrentTS()
- summary.cor()
- summaryGLM()
- survival.twostage()
- survivalG()
- test.conc()
- tetrachoric()
- ttpd()
- twin.clustertrunc()
- twinbmi()
- twinlm()
- twinsim()
- twinstut()
- twostageMLE()
- waldTest()
R Codes
- aalenfrailty.R
- bicomprisk.R
- bicomprisksim.R
- binomial.regression.R
- binomial.twostage.R
- binregTSR.R
- biprobit.R
- biprobit.strata.R
- biprobit.time.R
- blocksample.R
- bptwin.R
- casewise.R
- cifreg.R
- claytonakes.R
- clusterindex-reshape.R
- coef.biprobit.R
- cor.R
- cumh.R
- daggregate.R
- Dbvn.R
- dby.R
- discrete-survival-haplo.R
- divide.conquer.R
- doubleFGR.R
- dprint.R
- dreg.R
- drop.strata.R
- dsort.R
- dtable.R
- dtransform.R
- dutils.R
- efficient-binreg.R
- Event.Split.R
- exmarg.R
- fastapprox.R
- fastcluster.R
- fastpattern.R
- fastreshape.R
- force.same.cens.R
- gof-phreg.R
- ipw.R
- jumptimes.R
- lifecourse.R
- lifetable.R
- logLik.biprobit.R
- marginalprobit.R
- mediator-survival.R
- methodstwinlm.R
- mets-package.R
- mutinomialreg.R
- normal0.R
- npc.R
- onload.R
- options.R
- pch.R
- phreg.par.R
- phreg.R
- plot.bptwin.R
- plotcr.R
- pmvn.R
- predict.biprobit.R
- print.biprobit.R
- print.summary.biprobit.R
- procformula.R
- prop-odds.R
- RcppExports.R
- recreg.R
- recurrent.marginal.R
- restricted.mean.R
- score.biprobit.R
- sim-nordic-twin.R
- sim-pc-hazard.R
- sim.bptwin.R
- sim.clayton.oakes.R
- summary.biprobit.R
- summary.bptwin.R
- surv.boxarea.R
- tetrachor.R
- timereg-copy-package.R
- twinlm.R
- twinlm.time.R
- twinsim.R
- twostage.R
- utils.R
- vcov.biprobit.R
- wild-phreg.R
Selected R package: mets
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