R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- as.data.frame.dynamitefit()
- as.data.table.dynamitefit()
- as_draws-dynamitefit()
- categorical_example()
- categorical_example_fit()
- coef.dynamitefit()
- confint.dynamitefit()
- dynamite-package()
- dynamite()
- dynamiteformula()
- fitted.dynamitefit()
- gaussian_example()
- gaussian_example_fit()
- gaussian_simulation_fit()
- get_code()
- get_data()
- get_parameter_dims()
- get_parameter_names()
- get_parameter_types()
- get_priors()
- lags()
- lfactor()
- lfo()
- loo.dynamitefit()
- mcmc_diagnostics()
- multichannel_example()
- multichannel_example_fit()
- ndraws.dynamitefit()
- nobs.dynamitefit()
- plot.dynamitefit()
- plot.lfo()
- plot_betas()
- plot_deltas()
- plot_lambdas()
- plot_nus()
- plot_psis()
- predict.dynamitefit()
- print.lfo()
- random_spec()
- splines()
- update.dynamitefit()
R Codes
- as_data_frame.R
- as_data_table.R
- as_draws.R
- ci.R
- coef.R
- deterministic.R
- dynamite-package.R
- dynamite.R
- dynamiteformula.R
- families.R
- fitted.R
- getters.R
- lags.R
- latent_factor.R
- lfo.R
- loo.R
- mcmc_diagnostics.R
- model_matrix.R
- ndraws.R
- nobs.R
- plot.R
- predict.R
- predict_helpers.R
- prepare_stan_input.R
- print.R
- priors.R
- random.R
- specials.R
- splines.R
- srr-stats-standards.R
- stanblocks.R
- stanblocks_families.R
- stan_utilities.R
- summary.R
- update.R
- utilities.R
Selected R package: dynamite
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