R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- amariSorting()
- beersBlindSorting()
- BeersFlashProfile()
- BeersProjectiveMapping()
- BeersProjectiveMapping_xlsx()
- BootFactorScores()
- BootFromCompromise()
- Chi2Dist()
- Chi2DistanceFromSort()
- computePartial4Groups()
- ComputeSplus()
- CP2MFAnormedCP()
- CP2NuclearNormedCP()
- CP2SUMPCAnormedCP()
- createCubeOfCovDis()
- DblCenterDist()
- Dist2CP()
- DistAlgo()
- DistanceFromRank()
- DistanceFromSort()
- distatis()
- DistatisR-package()
- GetCmat()
- GetRectCmat()
- GraphDistatisAll()
- GraphDistatisBoot()
- GraphDistatisCompromise()
- GraphDistatisPartial()
- GraphDistatisRv()
- ldiag()
- list2CubeOfCovDis()
- MFAnormCP()
- mmds()
- multiculturalSortingSpices()
- NuclearNormedCP()
- OrangeJuiceSortingRawData()
- print.beersBlind()
- print.Cmat()
- print.cubeOfCovDis()
- print.cubeSort()
- print.dataAmari()
- print.dataSortingSpices()
- print.dataSortingWines()
- print.distatis.data()
- print.DistatisR()
- print.F4voc()
- print.F_alpha_k()
- print.Splus()
- print.str_BeersProjectiveMapping()
- print.voc4distatis()
- projectVoc()
- projMap2Cube()
- rdiag()
- read.df.excel()
- rv()
- scale1()
- SortingBeer()
- SortingSpice()
- sortingWines()
- SUMPCAnormCP()
- supplementalProjection4distatis()
- vocabulary2CT()
- WinesRankingRawData()
R Codes
- amariSorting.R
- beersBlindSorting.R
- BeersFlashProfile.R
- BeersProjectiveMapping.R
- BeersProjectiveMapping_xlsx.R
- BootFactorScores.R
- BootFromCompromise.R
- Chi2Dist.R
- Chi2DistanceFromSort.R
- computePartial4Groups.R
- ComputeSplus.R
- CP2MFAnormedCP.R
- CP2NuclearNormedCP.R
- createCubeOfCovDis.R
- DblCenterDist.R
- Dist2CP.R
- DistAlgo.R
- DistanceFromRank.R
- DistanceFromSort.R
- distatis.R
- DistatisR-package.R
- GetCmat.R
- GetRectCmat.R
- GraphDistatisAll.R
- GraphDistatisBoot.R
- GraphDistatisCompromise.R
- GraphDistatisPartial.R
- GraphDistatisRv.R
- list2CubeOfCov.R
- MFAnormCP.R
- mmds.R
- multiculturalSortingSpices.R
- NuclearnormCP.R
- OrangeJuiceSorting.R
- print.Cmat.R
- print.DistatisR.R
- print.Splus.R
- projectVoc.R
- projMap2Cube.R
- read.df.excel.R
- rldiag.R
- rv.R
- scale1.R
- SortingBeer.R
- SortingSpice.R
- sortingWines.R
- supplementalProjection4distatis.R
- vocabulary2CT.R
- WinesRankingRawData.R
Selected R package: DistatisR
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