R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- as.DISCBIO()
- check.format()
- ClassVectoringDT()
- ClustDiffGenes()
- Clustexp()
- clustheatmap()
- comptSNE()
- customConvertFeats()
- DEGanalysis()
- DEGanalysis2clust()
- DISCBIO2SingleCellExperiment()
- Exprmclust()
- FinalPreprocessing()
- FindOutliers()
- foldchange.seq.twoclass.unpaired()
- HumanMouseGeneIds()
- J48DT()
- J48DTeval()
- Jaccard()
- KmeanOrder()
- NetAnalysis()
- Networking()
- NoiseFiltering()
- Normalizedata()
- PCAplotSymbols()
- plotExptSNE()
- plotGap()
- plotLabelstSNE()
- PlotMBpca()
- PlotmclustMB()
- plotOrderTsne()
- plotSilhouette()
- plotSymbolstSNE()
- plottSNE()
- PPI()
- prepExampleDataset()
- pseudoTimeOrdering()
- rankcols()
- reformatSiggenes()
- replaceDecimals()
- resa()
- retrieveURL()
- RpartDT()
- RpartEVAL()
- sammy()
- samr.estimate.depth()
- valuesG1msTest()
- VolcanoPlot()
- wilcoxon.unpaired.seq.func()
R Codes
- customConverters.R
- datasets.R
- DIscBIO-classes.R
- DIscBIO-generic-ClassVectoringDT.R
- DIscBIO-generic-ClustDiffGenes.R
- DIscBIO-generic-clusteringOrder.R
- DIscBIO-generic-Clustexp.R
- DIscBIO-generic-clustheatmap.R
- DIscBIO-generic-comptSNE.R
- DIscBIO-generic-DEGanalysis.R
- DIscBIO-generic-DEGanalysis2clust.R
- DIscBIO-generic-Exprmclust.R
- DIscBIO-generic-FinalPreprocessing.R
- DIscBIO-generic-FindOutliers.R
- DIscBIO-generic-NoiseFiltering.R
- DIscBIO-generic-Normalizedata.R
- DIscBIO-generic-PCAplotSymbols.R
- DIscBIO-generic-plotExptSNE.R
- DIscBIO-generic-plotGap.R
- DIscBIO-generic-plotLabelstSNE.R
- DIscBIO-generic-PlotmclustMB.R
- DIscBIO-generic-plotOrderTsne.R
- DIscBIO-generic-plotSilhouette.R
- DIscBIO-generic-plotSymbolstSNE.R
- DIscBIO-generic-plottSNE.R
- DIscBIO-generic-pseudoTimeOrdering.R
- internal-functions-samr-adapted.R
- internal-functions.R
- J48DT.R
- J48DTeval.R
- Jaccard.R
- NetAnalysis.R
- Networking.R
- PlotMBpca.R
- RpartDT.R
- RpartEVAL.R
- VolcanoPlot.R
Selected R package: DIscBIO
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